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Monday, May 13, 2013

2 & 3 Months

Ok so obviously I have been slacking big time in the blogging department. Things are just crazy with a baby and my brain does not function like it used to! Trying to be a stay at home mommy while running my photography business (which I am back to doing part time) is quite challenging. I swear every I sit down to edit Kynley wakes up or poops her pants! Its all very exciting.....

So, as everyone has said time is FLYING by! My little princess is 3 months old :( Stop growing!!! She is getting more and more interactive everyday and it is so much fun. I got to celebrate my first Mothers Day yesterday, and Kynley is by far the best gift I could ever receive. She is such a good baby it makes my husband and I a little crazy thinking we want baby #2 sooner rather then later....but thats a whole other story!

Here are a few fun K-Ray facts for you :)

-Her favorite time of day is when "Dad Dad" as he calls himself gets home from work, he gets smiles out of this girl I couldn't even dream of!
-She is sleeping all the way through the night! Woo hoo! Im not, I always wake up and make sure I can still here her breathing haha
- She goes to be around 6:30pm and sleeps until about 7:30am. And if she doesn't go to be around that time she gets GRUMPY! Full on melt downs!
-She loves looking at contrasty things (black and white stuff mostly) and will coo at it and smile. Super adorbs.
- You know she is doing a poo which she sticks her top lip out and her face turns bright red! haha
-She is just starting to "talk" and loves to sing along with you when you sing to her.
- Kynley is just now out growing her newborn clothes!!! Her 0-3 month clothes are massive on her but we are making them work!
-Her little head is getting so big! haha I am worried she is going to have a mega mind like her daddy! At least I can put headbands on to cover it up!
-This girl is finally putting on some lbs and has little rolls on her wrists and thighs! I am pretty sure its the only time you can call rolls cute haha
-Its looking like her eyes are turning blue!
-She is getting lots of dark brown hair
-Auntie Jess and I painted her nails for the first time yesterday, dad was not happy!

Thats about all I can think of. I just love watching her grow and develop more and more everyday! She is becoming such a little person :)