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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Our first outing

Well today I decided to go out to breakfast with a friend...with both girls in tow. Anyone who has a toddler knows how difficult it is to take them out to a meal and keep them occupied, add a newborn to the mix and you're just asking for trouble. I have avoided taking Kynley out for meals for the last few months, just because it has gotten to be too difficult. And once I got pregnant with Kyler I swore I would never take the two out by myself...EVER! But today I decided to brave it, all for my favorite cappuccino. 

I prepared myself as much as possible with an iPad and an abundance of snacks for Kynley. Kyler had already eaten,so she should have just snoozed the whole time. I met my friend Maree and her son, Bentley there, he is just 10 days younger than Kyler. Before we went to breakfast we had been at Kindergym, and Kynley took a tumble, got a bloody lip and had blood all over her top. I of course, forgot to bring a change of clothes for her, so we showed up to breakfast with blood stains all down her top. You could say we were off to a rocky start already!

 I ordered Kynley her first ever babycinno (steamed milk with foam and chocolate on top). She loved it and got it all over her already stained top. At this point I didn't care what she looked like, as long as I got to drink my coffee in somewhat peace and attempt to be sociable. Once breakfast came out we are still doing well, no toddler or infant melt downs. I got to nearly finish my eggs as Kynley decided she was over the high chair and started squealing and trying to climb out. I knew at that point I got the most out of the situation, so I took Kynley out to come inside with me to pay while my friend sat with Kyler. That's when all hell broke loose. Kynley, in her chocolate and blood stained top, refused to stand next to me in line and instead started trying to slam doors and pull glasses off a shelf. *kill me now* The line was taking so long to move and my toddler tornado was tearing the place apart at a rapid rate. After finally paying Kynley decided to throw herself on the ground for no apparent reason, roll around and scream. And at that exact moment Kyler decided she was hungry and began to scream too. My somewhat peaceful breakfast turned into complete chaos. 

We were seated out front of the restaurant and I had been lucky enough to get a parking spot directly infront. My only option at that point was to take my screaming toddler to the car (with everyone staring at me) while Kyler sat with my friend. I swiftly buckled the banshee into her car seat, turned on a movie and ran back to get Kyler. I'm pretty sure everyone watching me thought I was just locking my devil child in the car and leaving her, which made the situation even more embarrassing. Did I mention it was nap time ,which probably led to the full melt down? Anyways, I grabbed Kyler, said bye to my friend and got the hell out of there as fast as I could. 

To most of you reading this may seem like a complete failure, but I got to drink  my coffee and finish my breakfast while it was hot and somewhat enjoyed it. In any Mommy's book I think that is considered a win! I am pretty sure I will not be attempting this again anytime soon...

Monday, September 22, 2014

Kyler Elizabeth-1 month

Oh how time flies! Our newest addition is one month old!! I hate how fast the first year flies by, it's so much worse with your second baby, because you know she will only be this tiny for such a short period of time!

We are adjusting well to life with two little banshee's :) Kyler, like her sister, is a great little baby! Very relaxed and easy, thank god. It makes having the two of them a lot easier than I thought, for now. We are still struggling with getting out the door in a timely manor every day. Honestly that has been the hardest part is just getting ready to leave and go anywhere! The other day I did leave the house on time and arrived 5 mins early to our destination...I felt like I deserved a medal!

Kyler had her one month check up and she is back to good health. She weighs 7lbs 11oz (3.5kgs) and is in the 50th percentile for her weight and height....and the 90th for her anyone else not surprised by that? haha Kynley has always been in the 90th for her noggin as well. She is only waking up once at night around 3 am, were hoping to drop that soon and have her sleeping through (fingers crossed). Kyler eats SO much during the day, she will not stay little for long. I am predicting that she and Kynley are in the same size clothes. She has a ton of black fuzzy hair and its is my most favorite thing ever!!! I love to kiss her little head constantly. She also giggles in her sleep. Actually it's more like full on laughing. My husband and I have both seen her do it numerous times and it may be the cutest thing I have ever seen in my entire life.

Kynley is absolutely in love with her. She is the best big sister, not jealous at all, and she loves to kiss and cuddle her...a all day haha. She also likes to tickle her which is adorable, she will come up to her belly and say "ticka, ticka, ticka!" I need to get it on video, its hilarious. She now calls her "bubey" instead of "boe boe".

As most of you know we had a health scare with Kyler a few weeks ago. We noticed she was running a fever and took her to the hospital. Once we were there they rushed us to a room and started trying to figure out what was going on. Other than a fever, she had no other symptoms of anything. No rash, no snot, no cough and she still had her appetite. Because a fever in a baby this young is so dangerous, they did a full work up on her. Put in an iv, did blood work, a catheter to check for a uti and then a spinal tap. It was horrible to have to sit there and listen to her scream while this all went on and know there was nothing I could do. After a while the blood tests came back inconclusive, so they had us stay the night to monitor her and wait for the spinal tap results to come in. The next morning we got the results and it showed extra cells in her spinal fluid. It felt like someone punched me in the stomach. She had spinal meningitis, we just didn't know if it was viral or bacterial. Know how sering bacterial meningitis is i was freaking out. I was left to sit with my thoughts for 3 hours while we waited for the rest of the tests to come back. More results came in later in the day and luckily it was only viral and we were released home. Such a huge relief. She is now 100% back to herself.

More to come on life with these two crazies. If you want to keep track of the craziness check out my instagram reynarobyn . As I am sitting here writing this, dad got the first smiles out of our little girl! Such a fun milestone, excited for many more to come!