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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Mommy tales...

In this adventure I am on called "mommyhood" I have a lot of things happen where I personally thinks it's funny, or maybe not funny, but either way I know I'm going to want to remember it. My sister Shanyn is always telling me to write these things down, so I have decided to start putting these stories in my blog for the future, and to maybe give some other people a laugh at my expense ;)

Being a mommy, I try to take everything in stride. I knew what I signed up for before Kynley was even born. I had been a nanny all the way through college and had a pretty good idea what I was about to happen to my life, in a good way. The biggest thing I was worried about was that I wouldn't be myself any more. I wouldn't be crazy or have the same sense of humor. Well guess what? I'm still me and it's all the same! So, with that said, when my toddler tornado decides to throw a tantrum in the middle of the store or do something that I can't even comprehend how I will deal with, I always try and find the positive in it. What that usually means is being able to look back on it and laugh. Because at the end of the day, her tantrums aren't the end of the world, and when you can laugh at the situation, it makes everything much better.

This isn't exactly a tantrum story, and let me say that I am not saying this is a parenting technique to use...but it's a cute story.

A few days ago I was attempting to take pictures of some new products I had made for me and my sisters company Pretty Little Monster Boutique. I had made these dummy (pacifier) clips and I was trying to take a picture using one of Kynleys dummy's in the photo as an example. I gave her a different dummy to try and distract her from stealing the dummy I was using for the photo, but she wanted both of them. I would put the  dummy down and try and snap a quick picture before she would grab it as fast as she could. I finally got irritated and was trying to figure out a way to get the dummy back, so I decided to fake cry and see what happened. 

I started "crying" and she just laughed at me. So I turned my back to her and kept crying. She came around to me and just smiled, both dummy's still in hand. I turned one more time and she came to me, patted me on the head, and put the dummy in my mouth! It was the cutest thing ever. My eyes welled up and I grabbed that chubby little monster and have her the biggest hug. I then felt guilty for fake crying, but her reaction was totally worth it. 

I love that crazy little banshee child even when she makes me want to pull my hair out ;) It's crazy to see how observant she is and see how much she actually understands.

Friday, June 27, 2014

30 weeks

How far along? 30 weeks 6 days
Baby is the size of a: Cabbage
Gender: Girl
Best moment this week: Getting a manicure? haha seriously though and the crazy winter weather we have been having here in Adelaide. Growing up in Seattle made me hate the rain, BUT it reminds me of home so I kinda love it now. But only when it is super extreme. I was saying to my sister how much we used to love it when the power went out when we were kid,s and I kinda wished it would for fun...then I smacked myself upside the head and remembered it would be horrible with zero entertainment for a toddler in a dark house with lots of candles...
Miss Anything: SLEEPING ON MY STOMACH!!!! My hips are killing me at night and I am constantly rolling over trying to relieve the pain. Rolling over with a massive pregnancy pillow is anything but fun. You feel like a beached whale trying to get back to sea...seriously you do. Or when you have to somehow roll yourself out of bed to go to the bathroom for the 500th time in the middle of the night....
Movement: Feeling her more even when I am moving around too! Lots of time spent under my right rib though...
Maternity Clothes: Thank god we went back to America in winter during my last pregnancy, other wise I would have nothing. Like usual, I am living in my Victorias Secret leggings. Like I said before we have had crazy weather here so I have busted out my puffy North Face I bought for while I was preggo in the snow. I look like the Michelin man in it, but it keeps me super warm :)
Sleep: Good, except I was up all night the other night with acid reflux. The dr has prescribed me medicine and it seems to be helping. My pizza craving wouldn't survive without it!
Aches and pains: This damn irritable uterus thing is making me f***ing irritable. I feel like I am getting PAINFUL contractions all day everyday. I spoke to a midwife at the hospital about it the other day and she assured me that this will be the longest 10 weeks of my life...thanks? Also, I need to try and go on a moderate bed rest...aka spending as much time with my feet up as possible... I have a toddler so.....
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and enjoying Kynley and her crazy toddler antics. Really trying to be in the moment with her. I am emotionally exhausted from all of the pain though...with makes me emotional a lot...
Looking forward to: We have a 3d ultrasound tomorrow!!! I cannot wait to see what this little one looks like! Kynley looked so much like her 3d ultrasound it was crazy... I just want to see what nose she has....Im big on noses....and judging from the last ultrasound she has a different one than Kynley so we will see!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

29 Weeks

How far along? 29 weeks 6 days
Baby is the size of a: butternut squash
Gender: Girl
Best moment this week: Being in Bali, seeing monkeys, laying on the beach, drinking Starbucks.....and then coming home to Kynley!!! It was so great to get away and relax, but I sure did miss our little princess.
Miss Anything: It was rough missing out on cocktails at the pool, and not feeling like an absolute whale on the beach...
Movement: Spending time just sitting around I definitely felt this little one more. I woke up this morning feeling like she has moved further up and is taking up my lung space. Not great feeling like its hard to breathe. 
Food cravings: OMG the resort had the most amazing fruit EVER!! I ate my weight in fresh papaya, pineapple and bananas. It was so so so good. 
Sleep: Good....I just need more of all day....I am so exhausted constantly that I just want to stay in bed all day...
Aches and pains: Feeling good! A vacation and prenatal massage did some serious good for me. I did acquire a nice sunburn while I was away. Preggo skin is soooo sensitive, even SPF 50 couldn't save me from the Bali sun.
Belly button in/out: In and getting flatter weird
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and over myself....haha im just over everything today. Im sick of being tired all the time and incapable of doing things. I hate relying on people so muc, but i am just so so so tired I cant help it. 
Looking forward to: Hopefully getting the nursery ready. At the moment it's still a guest room....and Im kinda going into panic mode. So hopefully we can get it cleaned out this weekend and get things started....

Thursday, June 12, 2014

28 weeks

How far along? 28 weeks 6 days
Baby is the size of a: cabbage 2.8lbs
Gender: Princess
Best moment this week: We made it to Bali! So excited fora few relaxing days with my husband. I'm seriously missing Kynley already, but it was nice getting a mini sleep in this morning, even though baby #2 decided to kick me in the ribs a few times to wake me up 😉
Miss Anything: I'm not missing it yet, but I know it will be all of the amazingly delicious tropical alcoholic beverages on this trip. Yes, I'm normally a lush, especially on vacation. Also we have a Starbucks within walking distance to us. We don't have a Starbucks in adelaide so if I wasn't preggo I would probably be in that place 5 times a day getting hopped up on caffeine! Once a day will have to do...maybe twice once coffee and once iced tea....
Movement: I'm not sure whether it is because I am too busy with Kynley or where my placenta is, but I swear I don't feel this baby nearly as much as Kynley. Kynley used to literally get the hiccups once a day and I have never felt this baby have them. She does however like to get something stuck under my right rib, which is starting to make editing and sitting for long periods on the plane....super fun...
Food cravings: all I have been craving is cake and fruit. Yesterday when we were driving to the hotel I about had a heart attack when I saw a dunkin donuts haha when we finally got to our room around midnight I ordered a fresh fruit platter from room service. I nearly died when it arrived with the most amazing delicious tropical fruit ever. Seriously my dream come true. Fat lady heaven.
Sleep: Great! Something about hotel beds always mean good sleep for me...
Aches and pains: Other than those awesome contractions from my irritable uterus I have been ok. Except do you remember when I said I wouldn't be flying again until Christmas? And then I convince myself a quick 5 hour flight to Bali was no big deal.... Well it wasn't too bad except now my hips are killing me! I don't normally have hip pain so add it to the back pain and I'm not too happy. Last night after we got off the plane it was legit waddling like an over weight penguin. We were trying to keep up with our driver to take us to the hotel and he was walking at lightening speed through the airport. I was trailing behind dying! Anybody watching was most likely very amused. Hoping to get a prenatal massage today which should fix the problem. This whole waddling thing...not a cute look
Wedding rings on/off: after my first night here I woke up and my hands were slightly rings are still on but a little tight....
Belly button in/out: In but flat and totally off centered.... I think my placenta is at the front on my right side so it makes my belly not so symmetrical!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, and exhausted. Literally constantly exhausted.
Looking forward to: Enjoying Bali with my hubby! And seeing Kynley when I get home....I already miss her too much! Too soon? Haha

The view from our balcony as I'm writing this time to wake up Tex and go find that Starbucks...,and more fruit...stat ;)