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Thursday, June 12, 2014

28 weeks

How far along? 28 weeks 6 days
Baby is the size of a: cabbage 2.8lbs
Gender: Princess
Best moment this week: We made it to Bali! So excited fora few relaxing days with my husband. I'm seriously missing Kynley already, but it was nice getting a mini sleep in this morning, even though baby #2 decided to kick me in the ribs a few times to wake me up 😉
Miss Anything: I'm not missing it yet, but I know it will be all of the amazingly delicious tropical alcoholic beverages on this trip. Yes, I'm normally a lush, especially on vacation. Also we have a Starbucks within walking distance to us. We don't have a Starbucks in adelaide so if I wasn't preggo I would probably be in that place 5 times a day getting hopped up on caffeine! Once a day will have to do...maybe twice once coffee and once iced tea....
Movement: I'm not sure whether it is because I am too busy with Kynley or where my placenta is, but I swear I don't feel this baby nearly as much as Kynley. Kynley used to literally get the hiccups once a day and I have never felt this baby have them. She does however like to get something stuck under my right rib, which is starting to make editing and sitting for long periods on the plane....super fun...
Food cravings: all I have been craving is cake and fruit. Yesterday when we were driving to the hotel I about had a heart attack when I saw a dunkin donuts haha when we finally got to our room around midnight I ordered a fresh fruit platter from room service. I nearly died when it arrived with the most amazing delicious tropical fruit ever. Seriously my dream come true. Fat lady heaven.
Sleep: Great! Something about hotel beds always mean good sleep for me...
Aches and pains: Other than those awesome contractions from my irritable uterus I have been ok. Except do you remember when I said I wouldn't be flying again until Christmas? And then I convince myself a quick 5 hour flight to Bali was no big deal.... Well it wasn't too bad except now my hips are killing me! I don't normally have hip pain so add it to the back pain and I'm not too happy. Last night after we got off the plane it was legit waddling like an over weight penguin. We were trying to keep up with our driver to take us to the hotel and he was walking at lightening speed through the airport. I was trailing behind dying! Anybody watching was most likely very amused. Hoping to get a prenatal massage today which should fix the problem. This whole waddling thing...not a cute look
Wedding rings on/off: after my first night here I woke up and my hands were slightly rings are still on but a little tight....
Belly button in/out: In but flat and totally off centered.... I think my placenta is at the front on my right side so it makes my belly not so symmetrical!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, and exhausted. Literally constantly exhausted.
Looking forward to: Enjoying Bali with my hubby! And seeing Kynley when I get home....I already miss her too much! Too soon? Haha

The view from our balcony as I'm writing this time to wake up Tex and go find that Starbucks...,and more fruit...stat ;)

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