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Saturday, January 26, 2013

35 weeks....Maternity Must Haves

It's official...I am too lazy to draw with chalk on the board anymore! I have resorted to using my photoshop skills to add the text....maybe I'll have more energy next week.....

How far along? 35 weeks 7 days
Baby is the size of a: Honeydew Melon
Best moment of the week: We got to do our hospital tour this week! We are having the baby at a hospital in town (Calvary) which is about 45min-1 hour drive from our house. It is an older hospital which had me a bit nervous, but after the tour I am totally reassured. The maternity ward is brand new with all new rooms and is gorgeous! The midwife was even pointing out the amazing view from the delivery room...not that I am going to care at that point! haha We also had a great appointment with the doctor. If I havent said it before, I love our doctor! She has a great sense of humor, makes fun of my husband, and is very relaxed. If I have any questions or concerns she never makes me feel dumb and if something has been causing me always...never makes me feel like I am being a baby even though I probably am! After the tour and my appointment I feel ready now more than ever to have this baby :) 
Movement? Still lots of movement. She is head down in my cervix with her bum up around my ribs. They dont ever tell you how uncomfortable this stage is when her head is down. I just feel so much pressure, it's literally like she is about to fall out! 
Belly Button: in!
Missing Anything? Getting dressed without struggling and energy. The energy you have in the second trimester is amazing! Where did it go? I need like 3 naps a day....
Wedding Rings on or off? On :)
Cravings: Fresh fruit....lots of cantaloupe, pineapple, blackberries and watermelon :)
Aches & Pains: The pressure....oh my god it is so uncomfortable.....the couch surrounded by pillows is my best friend.
Labor Signs? Well I had some spotting this week which worried me but the doctor said it was just her settling into my nothing to worry about there!
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy! and anxious to get her here!!! Seriously I am just so excited to meet her I cant even fathom having to wait a whole month still! I guess you just spend these long 10 (yes I said 10, little thing they dont tell you is you are actually preggo from 10 months) months anticipating what it will be like when she arrives, what she will look like, will she have hair? will she look like me? haha I just spent a good 3 hours on skype with little Miss's Auntie Keelin talking about all of this, and how much everything changes once she arrives. We were just talking about how exciting it is and how nothing will be the same, in a good way. (love you kee :)) 
Looking forward to: Ok dont judge me but the highlight of this week is for sure our upcoming trip to Ikea...yup I said Ikea! I am so anxious to get her nursery finished and did I mention I love Ikea...dont get me started on their 50 cent hot dogs... haha I have a shopping list a mile long and we are going after our, now weekly, doctors appointment. Poor husband doesn't know whats about to hit him...

Ok ladies....I have gotten a few emails/fb messages asking me if I had any maternity things I couldn't live answer is yes :) So to make it easy I put together a board of my personal Maternity Must Haves...these are the things I use/wear the most and make my life just a little easier! And sorry to the aussies some of this stuff you can only get in America, most of it can get shipped here though :)

1. Sinful Colors Nail Polish- My most favorite nail polish EVER! It is about $1.99 at target (america) and it stays on my nails longer than any expensive nail polish I own! When you are pregnant your nails grow like crazy, so I like to keep mine looking nice...and I have a slight obsession with paint my nails ;)
2. Tory Burch Flats- Ok so what I have discovered about being pregnant is that it is very easy to feel fat, gross and not glamorous at all. There isn't much you feel like you can do about it, but for me as long as I have a cute pair of shoes, cute purse and nice sunglasses it at least helps you feel pretty still. I love these flats because they can dress up any casual outfit you put on. They are great with leggings and with a dress for a night out. I thank my little fashionista sister Suzee for making me get a pair ;) She is my fashion guru!
3.Victoria's Secret most loved Yoga leggings- These are probably my most favorite of all of these things. I owned about a million pairs of these before I was pregnant. They are so comfy and you can wear them casually or under a cute top to dress them up. Now that I am pregnant I love them even more that I did before. They have a top panel of fabric that you normally wear folded down, but with the belly I pull the panel up and they work like maternity pants. They stretch well with your ever expanding figure (no muffin tops!).
4.Target Maternity Tops- My sister Shanyn gave me two of these when I first found out I was expecting and I cant have enough of them. They are soft and comfy and long. Everything you need in a top with you are growing!
5.Cotton "Granny Panties"- So this link is to Victorias Secret, but cotton "full but" undies from anywhere will do! I was devastated Christmas morning when I was opening my stocking next to my sister and she received these cute lacy Victoria Secret panties and I got these huge cotton monstrosities from pea in the pod. They aren't the most attractive, but at this point it is all about comfort! I know I will eventually be back to those cute lacy panties...sigh..
6.EOS lip balm- While I have been pregnant I am constantly thirsty and dehydrated and my lips are always chapped!!! I love this chap stick, its cute, tastes good and I dont lose it in my purse.
7.Cotton Sports Bra- Since I have been pregnant my boobs have been so itchy and uncomfortable! All bra's annoy me and I hate wearing them! (I have always hated bra's but especially now, ask Keelin or Tex about "bra's off time" its the best time of day haha) These and just comfy and I can wear them without really noticing.
8.Basq Maternity Skin Care- I got this stuff at the beginning of my pregnancy and LOVE IT! It is a kit with body butter, exfoliator and oil to help prevent stretch marks. I loved it more than any other oils or body butter I have tried. I just ran out and am devastated as I can only find it in the U.S. :(
9.Belly Support- These belly bands are great. I wear them under everything. They help shape your belly, give you a bit of support and before I was in maternity jeans, let me undo my top button but keep my pants up at the same time :)
10.Starbucks Reusable cups- I have 4 of these things and I use them all the time for water. I am always thirsty right now and I constantly have one with me.
11.Long Tank Tops- The one I have linked to is from Nordstroms. I wear these constantly when I'm not preggo but they have been amazing while I have been preggo too. They are long and dont ride up and are so soft and comfy. I have found some that I like in Aussieland as well from Cotton On but they aren't as soft as these ones.

gross angle of my sweet double chin, but seriously how huge is my tummy!!!

Me in bed sick and dying. haha I was Skyping with my sister and like usual using my belly as a rest for my iPad. Please dont mind all of the tissues in the background! 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

34 weeks

How far along? 34 weeks 7 days
Baby is the size of a: Cantaloupe
Best moment of the week: Successfully photographing a wedding at 8 1/2 months pregnant with the flu! I was very nervous for my first wedding back after Christmas. At 8 1/2 months preggo you're not as mobile as you normally are and everyday things just become so much harder! I actually surprised myself with how much I was able to do and how little I even noticed my massive belly getting in the way. Considering I have 2 more weddings to photograph before I pop, this was a great day! And I unfortunately have been sick with a fever, cough, sore throat and head aches for the last few days, hitting its worst on saturday :( I felt about half of myself but I sucked it up anyways and had a great day!
Movement? She keeps getting stuck under my rib! It is so uncomfortable and so hard to get her out!
Belly Button: still in!
Missing Anything? being able to stand up and walk like a normal over waddling everywhere!
Wedding Rings on or off? still on, I did however remove the ring I wear on my right hand as it was feeling a little snug. And i think my feet may have started to swell....seriously?
Aches & Pains: Lower back be expected I suppose. Also just stretching pains on the sides
Labor Signs? Is it really time to add this as a category?!? Luckily nothing, just some fun braxton hicks contractions....not painful just uncomfortable...
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy this week...just sick...and feeling like death....blah
Looking forward to: Our doctors appointment this week! They are going to be weekly before I know it! Oh yea and feeling better....I am sick of being sick....time to feel like myself again please!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

33 weeks!

Well I have missed 2 weeks of blogging but I swear I wont miss anymore until she is here! I was just too lazy while I was on holiday! Ill be on "maternity leave" soon and then I will have all the time in the world...right?

How far along? 33 weeks 7 days
Baby is the size of a: Pineapple, 4.25lb....yup and I am feeling every single pound of her!
Best moment of the week: We are home back in the land down under with our little fur babies!!! I wasn't exactly ready to leave America, I think leaving was the reality of "now this is actually going to happen". I was just so happy to be home and relax with our cats Snooki and Vader, it was for sure the highlight of the week.
Movement? She is rolling and moving like crazy. And she loves to get stuck under my right rib, which let me tell you, is incredibly uncomfortable!!! I love watching my belly after I eat its like an ocean wave as she rolls around, creepy but so cool. She loves sticking her bum out too and when I press on it she will disappear for a few minutes and then stick it out somewhere else! Its like baby hide and go seek. And the hiccups...she gets them about 4 times a day! 
Cravings? If I said pepperoni pizza would you be surprised???? Didn't think so.....
Belly Button: Looks like it may pop in the next few weeks! My uncle said its like the thermometer when you cook a turkey, once it pops out it's cooked! We will see....
Missing Anything? Being able to breathe like a normal person! She is taking up so much room I get winded so fast! As many people know I love to talk...weird...and I cannot get through a sentence without having to take huge breaths in! Going up stairs is even exhausting...I cant wait to get my lung capacity back!
Wedding Rings on or off? On but getting tight...I think it's the damn aussie summer heat that may be assisting with that....
Aches & Pains: Lower back and tummy pain all the time! And starting to feel so much pressure....its not very comfortable. You feel like you need to walk around holding your belly up all day...
Stretch Marks? Whomp Whomp...yes :( Red ones on my back ( On my left "love handle" there are for sure some stretch marks that have appeared...My mom assured me that she got the same ones when she was preggo and they went away, so I am hoping for that..
Flying While Pregnant: Well let me tell you, I do not advise flying half way around the world at 8 months pregnant...7 months was fine, but 8...kill me now!!! The trip started out with 5 HUGE bags bringing home stuff for little miss (and from my birthday and christmas). Thank god for my pack horse of a husband who got us around LAX and all of the bags checked without me having to do a thing....seriously he deserves a medal.  Basically I have been having bad sciatica pain on my left side, went and saw a chiropractor a few times before hoping that is would solve the problem. It helped but didnt fully fix me. We flew in premium economy which mean we head huge seats that reclined far back with lots of leg space and comfy pillows and blankets, which helped...but when you are this large, getting comfortable in a bed is hard let alone on a plane...just tossing and turning the whole flight and my sciatica was killing me. By the time we got off of the long flight I was so drained and exhausted I couldnt put my thoughts together and everything hurt!! We eventually made it home and I am pretty sure it has taken me 4 days to recover...Again if I didnt have my wonderful husband I may not have made it! The poor man pulled around my pink and black carry on for me the whole trip and sometimes even my purse haha he looked really good with all of it!
Happy or Moody most of the time? A combination of both....the last week I was in America I was pretty much grumpy/uncomfortable the whole time. I was happy at different points, but my overall feeling was grumpy. I think it is hard to feel good and happy when you feel so large and in charge! Being uncomfortable all the time does not equal happiness haha. And I still have 6 weeks to go, AHHHH!!! Thanks to all of my wonderful family for dealing with me ;)
Looking forward to: Starting to get little miss's room ready!!! Auntie Nanyn made all of the bedding and decorations for her room (she is amazing). Now I get to start putting everything together. I can't believe we are in the home stretch of this adventure! She will be here before we know it! My husband and I were just talking last night about how excited we are for her to actually be here. The anticipation of what she will look like and how she will be is killing us! I just want to meet her! She needs to stay baking for a few more weeks though, Mommy has weddings to photograph and things to finish! My guess on the arrival date is the 1st of March 2013....we will see :)