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Saturday, January 27, 2018

19 & 20 weeks

I seem to be going every other week with the blog right now which works pretty well. I feel like nothing that eventful is going on anyways! Right now I am snug in my bed after a snowy engagement session this afternoon. My husband is in portland on a business trip and the kids are with my cousin Deanna (thank you Dee!!!) I am getting a much needed break and going to sleep as soon as I finish this. I have been so exhausted lately!

How far along? 20 weeks 6 days
Baby is the size of a: mango
Stretch marks? not yet
Sleep: pretty good..minus crazy back pain that has been waking me up at night
Best moment this week: Baby girls 20 week ultrasound! I think its always a bit scary until you get to that ultrasound and they take a look at everything to make sure it is all good. Everything was great and we loved getting to see her bounce around. With Kyler's ultrasound we had to go back for a second ultrasound because her head was measuring pretty big. Luckily this little girl has a very normal size head, measuring more on the small side...yay! 
Worst moment this week: My sciatica and lower back has gotten so bad. Thursday night after I had made dinner and cleaned the kitchen I literally couldn't walk. I was in a ball on the couch in tears not able to move. It was terrible. I had to crawl upstairs to bed. My poor husband did everything he could to help me, but it was so bad and nothing was fixing it. When I was finally settled in bed with a heating pad on my back we both started laughing that I didn't even cry in either of my labors but this pain was seriously unbearable. I had been to an acupuncturist the day before and plan to go again and may to the chiropractor as well. If anyone has any experience in relieving sciatica pain please help a sister out!
Miss Anything: Wine and sushi....
Food cravings: Well if you follow me on social media you would have seen that I went to Hawaii to visit my sister for 48 hours....I literally ate so much fresh fruit I had an acid burn on my tongue! But it really did cure my craving (for now) for passionfruit and starfruit! I had some of the best passionfruit smoothies in the world. I was so happy. And yes I know you can get those fruits here at certain places but trust me...they taste WAY better in Hawaii!!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty happy this week. The second trimester is so nice. Not nearly as many mood swings and pretty happy about life.
Looking forward to: Is it June yet? I do feel like this pregnancy is sure it will switch to fast forward soon but I just want things to speed up. I am so ready to meet this little girl (and so are her sisters!). Kyler keeps asking me if the baby has come out yet. Not yet kiddo! 

Just thought I would include some shots from my quick hawaii trip! I got a ton of questions about it after I posted I was going. My mom and sister both work for Alaska Airlines so I am able to fly stand by (non rev) so thats how I fly for free. Also my sister lives on Maui with her husband (rough life). When Shanyn found the fruit I had been craving and we discovered the flights were wide open I decided just to go for it! My best friend already was having the girls for a night for me (thanks Jenna!)  and my husband was on board, so I decided to just do it. And let me tell you it was so worth it! 

Sunday, January 14, 2018

18 weeks

How far along? 18 weeks 6 days
Baby is the size of a: sweet potato
Stretch marks? nothing new
Sleep: Better this week. Pretty solid except for weird preggo dreams. I had a dream the baby kicked through my belly and her feet were sticking out. So weird...but I remember her feet being so cute! 
Best moment this week: She got the hiccups! She has been doing a ton of moving and kicking but when she got the hiccups yesterday I was so excited. I think feeling the baby move is definitely the best part of pregnancy.
Worst moment this week: I have started getting tired around 2pm and literally can't function. I spend my mornings getting as much work done as I possibly can because when 2pm hits all i want to do is nap...but I have two i can't 😭
Miss Anything: White a big glass of Sauvignon Blanc...preferably Kim Crawford or Oyster Bay...or Shaw and Smith...ok I'm literally drooling. I just want wine.
Food cravings: Pancakes and fresh fruit. My sweet tooth is currently taking over my life
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy this week :)
Looking forward to: My best friend Jenna is taking the girls for us tomorrow night. I can't even tell you the last night we had a date night....Not sure what we are going to do, but just having a moment to myself is enough for me!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

15, 16 & 17 weeks

15 weeks

I did so good for two weeks in a row! Not surprised I feel like doing this every week won't be reality, I am more worried about getting the weekly picture, which I did! At least one win!

How far along? 17 weeks 6 days
Baby is the size of a: turnip
Stretch marks? nothing new
Sleep: Blah....i have been having a lot of heart palpitations which the dr told me would happen (I'm prone to them anyways) I was up all night the other night with them. 
Best moment this week: Christmas and my birthday!!! This more covers the last three weeks, but it was so nice to go away and have a little vacation. Then celebrated my birthday at home for the first time in years. I made it all the way to midnight for NYE playing the game Udder nonsense. If you haven't played it go buy it, its hilarious.
Worst moment this week: Getting the stomach flu. Being sick sucks no matter what, but being sick while pregnant makes everything 10x worse. I was in bed for 3 days, couldn't eat for 48 hours. I was so dehydrated and miserable. Just happy no one else has gotten it. My amazing husband and sister took care of the girls so I could rest. 
Miss Anything: Advil...sometimes tylenol just doesn't cut it
Food cravings: Key lime pie...I don't normally love that as a dessert but I LOVE it right now
Anything making you queasy or sick: Been pretty good this week
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, not too many mood swings...minus the one when Tex fed the girls my passionfruit yogurt instead of their normal yogurt and I literally started crying...for no reason. Luckily I knew i was overreacting and I made him just leave me alone. Seriously though...crying over yogurt. I can't. 
Looking forward to: Life getting back to normal after the holidays. Kynley started a new preschool this week which has been good for her but they didn't have room for Kyler so now I'm desperately searching for a place for her. Both she and mommy need time apart. Kyler got sick while we were on vacation and has really been clinging to me ever since. She needs a little bit of independence!