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Monday, October 22, 2018

Leiya May-3,4 & 5 months

OMG!!! 5 months with our squishy babe. I missed the last two months...and missed a 4 month photo..oops! Life is busier than ever, but I wouldn't have it any other way! Time is flying but geez I really try to soak up every second with her. She is the sweetest most relaxed babe ever. She is happy 90% of the time, and if she isn't there is usually a pretty good reason why. 13.5lbs of squishy squish. Head is ONLY in the 75%, which if you know the other girls background, girlfriend has a small noggin. She just started fitting in 3-6 month clothes....they are a little big but she is definitely a growing girl.

Kynley can make her laugh and smile almost better than Tex and I can. She loves hearing her name and often find it hilarious when we say "Leiya May" to her. She is finding her voice and love to scream and squeal! She also likes to stand...a lot. I can hold her two little hands and she balances herself. She is super strong. The other girls weren't doing this for awhile so I have a feeling we will have an early walker! Kyler loves singing the song "Ki Ki, Do you love me" to her and it's one of my favorite things. Leiya LOVES to be sung to. No matter the song she lights up a squeals with happiness. 

Her current nick names are Lei, Lei-O (sung in the banana boat song voice), Lei Lei, Squish, Squishy Tushy, Squishest of Squishes, Squish Monster. Basically, you get the idea....she is squishy! And we love her rolls.

Our favorite time of day is morning when I get to go into her room and she is awake. Busting out of her swaddle with a huge smile on her face...oh my heart can't handle her sweetness sometime.