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Monday, November 18, 2013

8 & 9 months

Well I am a little behind in the blogging department. I promised myself I was going to blog more in October and November....and here we are November first post in a while! I have just been ridiculously busy with my photography company and headband business my sister and I started. Not complaining though. Busy is good. Just trying to find the balance between working and spending time with Kynley is a bit difficult, but I am getting there.....

Well our pretty little monster is now officially 9 months old! Seriously unbelievable. I always had the 9 month mark in my head as being so far away and now we are here. Kynley is as crazy as ever. This kid is definitely going to be slightly out of control like her father. She has two teeth on the bottom (YAY!) and is still not crawling. She is working on it but not quite yet. I am hoping she wont start until after Christmas, so I know my christmas tree will be safe from an attack, but something tells me thats not going to happen.

Speaking of CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! Its the most wonderful time of year again! We are headed back to America like usual to spend it with my family. I cannot wait for Kynley to have her first White Christmas and see snow for the first time! I am sure she will hate it at first but it will still be fun. So many cute new hats to hear as well......

Thanksgiving is just around the corner as well. As always I will be making my Thanksgiving Dinner, and I cant wait for Kynley to get to try Turkey and stuffing! I am sure she will love it :) We are fortunate enough to have some lovely American friends living here that will be joining us this year, more americans=more fun :)

Here are some fun little Kynley Facts for you....

-She loves Skyping (auntie Nanyn) anyone. The second she hears the skype noises her arms flap up and down and she starting screaming and smiling! Skype is an easy way for her to learn and interact as well. She loves to copy people on skype and loves to try and grab peoples faces haha

-Kynley loves cats. LOVES LOVES LOVES (obviously) whenever they walk into the room she starts squealing with delight and tries to grab them. She has gotten ahold of Vaders tail a few times and let me tell you, he is not a fan of hers haha

- This little midget is still in 3-6 month size clothing....seriously!?!? I mean it's great she has gotten a lot of wear out of all of her clothes but mommy is ready to go shopping!!!! I am hoping by the time we arrive in America she will be a bit bigger so I have to buy some new winter clothes....

-She is a chatter box and a serious squealer. She says Da da da da and her new one is ba ba ba ba. She doesn't exactly say them to anything or anyone but just constantly chatting. She has started waving bye bye as well, but not all them time. She is very picky about who she waves bye bye to......

-Girlfriend is finally getting some hair too! Hard to see in pictures but it will be very dark brown I think, just like Mom and Dad.

-She used to hate her car seat until I positioned a mirror that she can see herself in. Now everytime she is in it she smiles at herself and laughs, loves to look at herself...typical girl....

I guess that is all for now. Every day with this little munchkin amazes me as I watch her learn and grow. I cant wait to start to introduce her to new and exciting traditions this holiday season :)