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Sunday, May 6, 2018

32, 33, 34 & 35 weeks

I'm going to try to get better at taking pictures in this last month. Maybe even blogging weekly too, but we will see! I have an induction date for June 3rd so officially 4 weeks from today she will be here! My OB is super worried that she is going to come faster than we can handle so inducing me at 39 weeks will hopefully stop that....although I don't want to be induced at all..I wasn't with either of the girls...and I have never been 39 weeks lets hope she surprises us earlier!

How far along? 35 weeks 1 day
Baby is the size of a: Melon or a bowling least thats what it feels like
Sleep: The waking up 10 times a night to pee has set in and its the worst. Even getting out of bed I feel like a beached whale trying to get up. Or rolling over because one of my hips has fallen asleep. Like a gigantic seal rolling on the beach 😂
Best moment this week: My amazing sister decided to take the girls to hawaii with her for 5 days. I was super anxious letting them go...I trust my sister a million percent, but just having them so far away gave me extreme anxiety. They come back in the morning and I have really taken advantage of them being gone, lots of work finished, rooms organized...Netflix binge watched and even a few dates with my hubby. Im ready to have them home but it has been a great break.
Miss Anything: Ice cold wine for this warmer weather we are getting! Almost there!
Food cravings: Not really? I have been really into burnt vegetables the last few months, like broccoli and Brussels sprouts that are cooked so they are super crispy and almost too burned to eat 
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Wedding rings on or off? Off
Happy or Moody most of the time: Just don't let me get hungry.... I get hangry super fast and you don't want to know me!
Aches and Pains: Well other than the constant head aches and the very angry uterus I'm doing ok...I have a dull headache almost 24/7 which sucks. I also was pretty certain I was going into labor yesterday. I was having super painful contractions yesterday and couldn't function. I finally got into the bath and everything slowed down. I stayed in bed most of the day but I was still having some pretty painful contractions that keep me awake until, almost midnight. I have been feeling better today but having lots of braxton hicks. I will be surprised if this little one stays put past 38 weeks but we will see!
Looking forward to: Enjoying the last month of this pregnancy. I feel like all I have done is whine and complain and wish for it to be over. Now the thought of her arriving as soon as a few short weeks has me panicking a little. I know as much as I am over being pregnant, I will miss this belly when its gone. And knowing she is safe and contained. Really going to try and soak up the time as a family of 4 before things get crazy! We have everything ready for her...I it's just time to sit back, relax a patiently wait for her to join us here. This coming weekend we are doing a little staycation in Seattle at the Four Seasons where we got married to celebrate mothers day and an early anniversary (its not until July 22nd though). I am so excited for that to just get to enjoy the weather and hang by the pool with the kids!