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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Pumpkin Patch

Last weekend we decided to venture down to Carpinito Brothers Farm to go check out the new addition for kids to the local pumpkin patch. My step dad, Mom and little sister (aka our roommates 😉) joined us for some Kynley and Kyky entertainment! Those of you who follow us on snap chat (Reyna.robyn) and Instagram (@reynarobyn) are likely well aware of Kynley's pumpkin, or as she calls the "munkit" obsession. She gets SO excited everytime she see's them and always wants to take them home. Any store we go to she always has to carry a pumpkin around with her while I shop...sit it in her lap...sometimes wear it on her head...she is nuts.

We had a very busy weekend and a few sleepless night with Kyler having an ear infection and Kynley getting 3 shots at the dr to catch her up to the US vaccine schedule, not fun. On Saturday we had a camp reunion for the summer camp Tex and I met at, and by Sunday we were in need of some serious kid activity.

Anyways, the farm is split into two parts, one part for the kids with a petting zoo, mini hay maze and some other fun kids stuff. The other side is the actual pumpkin Patch and corn maze, we didn't make it there but will be going back another time to pick the pumpkins to carve! Kynley and Tex spent most of the time playing with the rubber ducky water pump. Tex and my dad played hide and go seek throughout the hay maze which had both girls laughing hysterically. They had this corn pit with all dried corn that we played in for awhile. Endless entertainment of burying people and Kyler trying to eat the corn eww. 

Kynley touched every munkit there and we indulged in some fresh Lemonade, my fav. We ended the trip with some attempted family photo's...they clearly didn't go well haha.  Tex and I are hoping to do a few Haunted houses soon with my parents (anyone know of any babysitters in the FW area?) We have really missed all of the fun festive stuff and it is ten times more fun getting to do it with our kids! Happy Fall Y'all!