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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Kyler- 7 months

Our littlest girl is 7 months old. Like usual, time is flying and I am in denial she isn't 3 months old anymore!!!

Our Little Miss Ky Ky is sitting up all by herself, which is a major accomplishment considering the size of her head. Im not being mean and making fun of my girl, but really she has a massive head. We spent a few weeks going to specialists and making sure that it was nothing more than a large noggin. Those were a few rough weeks for me with the words tumour and extra spinal fluid in the brain being thrown at me. After a quick ultrasound and the longest 20 minuets of my life, they confirmed that she indeed does just have an Edmonds head! The head circumference is in the 105th percentile with her body being in the 10th for height and 15th for weight. Just a bit out of proportion, but at least she is cute :)

Other than that she is a happy, easy baby. Sleeping 12 1/2 hours at night and still napping 4 times a day! (yay for mommy and her sanity!) I am pretty sure she is trying to cut her bottom two teeth which is no fun. She is finally starting to enjoy food. It has taken her a little bit. Lots of gagging and refusing to open her mouth. Girlfriend can definitely be difficult when she wants to be! (no idea where she gets that from...)

She is a mommies girl totally and completely! Kynley was so easy about who she would go to. I could literally hand her to anyone and she wouldn't bat an eye. Kyler loves mommy. And Daddy. But she has serious issues when either of us is not in sight! If I walk out of a room that she is in you can expect tears. It drives me nuts sometimes, but I know I should treasure it, with time, she won't want to have anything to do with me!

I am doing something totally crazy and taking both girls, by myself, back to america to visit the fam, and go to my sisters graduation in San Diego. My hubby can't go because he as to it will just be me, with two banshee children on the plane...Help? It was such a hard decision to make, but I would be devastated if I had to miss it, or leave one of my girls behind. So I am sucking it up and hoping for the best (yes i am using drugs to help me out. For all of us haha) I am just crossing my fingers Kyler hasn't started to crawl at that point. If she has...I may be begging someone to book a flight an come with to help. Any volunteers?! Im just excited to see my family and have them see the girls. It is rough not having them here to watch my kids grow.  We will be in Seattle May 4-14th and then San Diego 14th-18th.

Kynley and Kyler are finally really starting to get along and play together. Kyler thinks Kynley is hilarious, and Kynley likes Kyler....sometimes. As long as kyler isn't touching her or pulling her hair she is ok with her. They love having bath time together. Kyler just laughs at Kynley most of the time.

Dad is in vintage so he hasn't been home a lot, so its just the girls and I most of the time. We will be happy when it is over and we get hime back...and I can have some time to myself.

Other than that we are enjoying our crazy chaos that surrounds us everyday. Very grateful to have two amazing, healthy babies to call mine :)