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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Kyler Elizabeth-2 months!

I guess time flies when you're having fun! Or going crazy.....but mostly fun ;) This girl turned two months old in a blink of an eye! She is growing up way too fast for my liking.

She is very smiley, she coo's and she LOVES her daddy! She has given us a little bit of trouble with some tummy issues. Kynley never had any tummy issues, as in, I never experienced a baby screaming for 20-40 mins straight...but now I have. We had a rough few weeks with her, but she seems to be coming around and hasn't been doing it as much lately. After we changed her formula things seem to be a lot better. She loves laying outside on the grass while Kynley runs around and plays, thank god it is almost summer here I am over being stuck in the house!

I have definitely gone from thinking having two kids isn't that hard, to holy shit how am I going to survive this, back to ok this is manageble. I feel like every day is a roller coaster. My only saving grace at the end of a rough time is having a seriously supportive husband who comes home and saves me at the end of the day. Oh yea, and saves me too...Kyler is easy, it's Kynley and her crazy antics and attitude that might kill me eventually! 

I am absolutely thrilled to say that this little munchkin sleeps through the night! 6pm-6am and then goes back to sleep until 8 or 9am. Not that I get to go back to sleep since her older sister is awake at about 7 or 7:30am, but honestly I dont care as long as I am not awake during the night! A lot of people have asked what is our secret to getting the girls to sleep through the night at such young ages (Kynley did it at exactly 8 weeks as well). I have a few pointers, but i just want to say, this is what has worked for us, I am not an expert, I read a lot of books and took a lot of tips from other mommy's in order to attempt to figure this out! 
1. We sleep trained both of your babes. Sleep training is when you have them learn how to fall asleep on their own with out your assistance. With Kynley, we used to rock her to sleep every night. We eventually had to let her "cry out" which was so hard on all of us, but once we did that and she was able to put herself to sleep on her own with out our help it made our lives so much easier. With Kyler, I never rocked her to sleep. I let her sleep in our arms, but from the beginning, if I knew she was tired, I would just lay her down swaddled and with her dummy/pacifier and let her fall asleep on her own. They are both able to "self soothe" and get back to sleep without us.
2. In bed by or before 7pm!!!! This is crucial in my opinion. I did a lot of research about it as well. With both of my girls from 8 weeks on, 6pm was bedtime. Once I started putting them to bed then (instead of when we went to bed, 8pm or 9pm) is when they started sleeping for longer periods of time, and eventually sleeping through.We changed Kynley's bed time to 7pm at around 17 months, but no later. (except on special occasions).
3. ROUTINE!!!! Everything i have read says how important it is to do a routine with your babies. They  need to know whats going to happen next no matter how young they are. Try and start a napping routine during the day, and make sure they are awake for a solid period before bed time (this is for infants). We have a bedtime routine for both of our girls at night. Kynley has dinner, bath, a bit of play time with dad, brush teeth, book reading and bed. Kyler just has to be awake an hour before bed time with a bath and some matt time, then feeding in a dark room and bed.
4. This part is not for everyone but it has worked for us, no babies in our bed. When they were both born, of course they were allowed in our bed during sleepless nights, but as they have gotten older, unless they are sick, they are in their beds. When Kynley wakes up at night on the rare occasion, we go in, console her, lay her down and she usually falls back to sleep straight away. She has always been a good sleeper though, so it is rare we ever have to do this. We will see how Kyler is when she is older, every baby is different. But either way there is never the expectation to be taken to our bed. They are allowed in our bed in the morning, Kynley comes in and lays for a solid hour with us while she has her milk and watches cartoons.
5. We dont tip toe around the house when the kids are sleeping. We wanted them to be able to sleep through anything. 
The main books I read were Save our Sleep, Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Baby, Happiest Baby on the Block.

Anyways, I need to do a Kynley update soon, because there are so many things going on with that crazy kid! But for now, this is all....I just love these two banshee's more than words can say!