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Saturday, December 22, 2012

30 Weeks :)

How far along? 30 weeks 7 days....TIME IS FLYING!!!!
Baby is the size of a: Cabbage 2.75lbs
Best moment of the week: We are home for the holidays!!!!! I missed week 29, partially because I just couldn't be bothered writing and because I was with everyone I am usually writing for! I know I am going to love looking back on these weekly blogs so I am pushing myself to continue them even while I'm in America with my fam :) It has been AMAZING to be home with my sisters and parents. We are currently at a ski resort in Utah where we spending Christmas, and although it is rough not being able to ski this year, I am just enjoying being with family. My belly has turned into a magnet and has a hand from my sister or cousin on it at all times! I thought it would drive me nuts but it is so much fun seeing how excited people get when they feel her kick or move.
Movement? Little Miss was on over drive yesterday! I have never felt her move so much! From the moment I woke up to the moment I went to be she was moving around. It felt like she was doing flips in my belly! Auntie Nanyn got a good hard kick at lunch, she got to see how hard little miss is belting me from the inside!
Cravings? Well I need dessert after every meal...and ranch dressing...not together though haha
Belly Button: She has grown so much in the last week that my belly button is starting to look ridiculous! Not popped out yet, but just looking weird.
Missing Anything? Having all of the holiday drinks with the family....sigh....there is always next year. And skiing, it sucks being stuck inside while everyone is out skiing!
Aches & Pains: My lower back/sciatic nerve has been killing me! Not to mention we are at 8,000 feet and the altitude is taking it's toll on me. It is hard enough adjusting to altitude when your not pregnant but being here is just exhausting! I am constantly tired and ready for a nap!
Flying While Pregnant: Well to go from Australia to the U.S. is about a 24 hour long travel period. Doing it normally is exhausting so I was extremely nervous about doing it while 7 months pregnant! And I am happy to report it was fine! I didn't even get cankles :) I think it went well mostly because we flew Premium Economy and first class for most of the flights. Being able to put my feet up and have my own space really made a difference. Hardly any jet lag and I felt really good :)
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy and enjoying the time with my family :)
Looking forward to: My family baby shower today!!!! I have a baby shower with my moms side of the family and they have kept everything a big surprise, I am SOO excited!!!! Little Miss is going to be one spoiled little girl. She loves all of her Aunties already!!! It's almost Christmas! My favorite holiday :) My family has so many amazing traditions I am just enjoying them and thinking how next year little miss will be able to be apart of them. I am so excited to share our traditions and start our own with her. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

28 weeks, 3rd Trimester!

 With the beautiful bride, Amy, from the wedding I photographed Saturday. She is 18 weeks pregnant and I am 28. Umm....I wish I looked that amazing at 18 weeks!!!

 Some of the "out takes" we didnt use for our christmas card. Thanks Jess for taking the photo's for us :)
 That nose!!!

How far along? 28 weeks , 7 days
Baby is the size of a: Chinese Cabbage
Best moment of the week: We had a 3d/4d ultrasound done and it was amazing!!! I know they look a little creepy but it is different when it is your baby. So cool that technology is that advanced that they can actually take a sneak peek of what she looks like! She is looking like she has Auntie Spuz or Auntie Nanyns nose which is adorable :)
Movement? She LOVES to move like crazy right when I am trying to fall asleep. It drives me insane! And he movements and becoming much more forceful. Almost to the point of being painful at times, especially when she kicks my bladder! 
Sleep: She has decided I need to be awake at 5:30 every morning! But then I need a nap around 1 or 2.... dont always get the nap but hopefully I will while we are over in the U.S.
Cravings? Pizza...Pizza...Pizza...Pizza...Fruit...Pizza...Pizza...
Belly Button: Well I have my belly button pierced (dont wear anything in it now) and the piercing hole is on the side of my belly button! So weird I hope it doesn't stretch too much...
Missing Anything? I have been craving salami this week...and subway...a subway BMT....mmmm.....
Aches & Pains: Feeling pretty good although my lower back is giving me some pain. I have SO much editing to do before we leave for the U.S. so I have moved my office into the bedroom and am editing from bed :) Hope that saves my back from too much pain! I shot my last wedding for 2012 and have 3 more before the baby is born. I know they will be hard but I am having a few people assist me to help me survive. The hardest part is getting down low and bending! Seriously struggled with that on saturday!
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy and SO EXCITED to be back in the U.S. haha I cant wait to have people who are excited to feel her kick other than me! haha 
Things they don't tell you: Well my body has decided to reject my earrings! I cant wear anything without my ears getting red and itchy. Even my white gold diamonds irritate my ears :( 
Looking forward to: WE LEAVE FOR AMERICA ON WEDNESDAY!!! YAY! I am slightly concerned about the flight (as far as me being uncomfortable and my feet swelling) but I cant wait to see my family and be "home for the holidays"!!!! I think once I get home it will actually start to feel like Christmas time!!!! 3 days and counting......

Saturday, December 1, 2012

27 weeks!

Made it to 27 weeks! I have been so beyond busy these last couple of weeks I am exhausted!!! (hence the reason there is no blog or photo for 26 weeks.....oops!) Here are just some photo's from the last week. Oh yea, and today is my most amazing big sisters Birthday! Happy Birthday Auntie Nanyn! Little miss and I love you!!!!!

All dressed up for the Echunga Primary's 60's/70's night! I won best dressed and a night in the Manna in Hahndorf WOO HOO! Thanks Jess for painting my belly!!
Tess, Kate and I

Husband and I at the Christmas Pageant! We saw Santa :)

All dressed up for Molly Dookers Hawaiian Christmas Party!

Kate and little Miss

Trying to survive the 100 degree heat!

How far along? 27 weeks , 7 days
Baby is the size of a: Cauliflower
Best moment of the week: We had a doctors appointment and I got my doctors note to fly home for Christmas! Woo HOO!!! Oh and everything is going great, baby is healthy and I am healthy (minus being low on vitamin D).
Maternity Clothing: Well I have some great maternity clothes now and other things I just buy in an extra big size so it will hopefully fit me towards the end! It is just hard being in summer now and then going back to winter for Christmas in the U.S. I don't think I will have much that is going to fit! I have been doing some shopping online so I have a few sweaters and basics for while I'm there. New bra's are on the list... again....
Movement? The Hiccups!!!!!! She doesn't get them a lot but once every few days and it is just weird, but cool at the same time :) The other day she kicked me so hard I woke up and then got the hiccups for about 20 mins. I was laying in bed wanting to go back to sleep SOOO bad but I couldn't :(
Sleep: Well I sleep with a body pillow thingy that goes between my legs and under my belly. My friend Cassie was telling me about a pregnancy book she was reading and about how every time you turn over with the pillow it is like wrestling an alligator and it is so true!!! Now every time I go to roll over in the middle of the night that is all I can picture! I roll over, back and forth a lot now....just hard to get comfy and my hips get sore from the extra weight....yup my ass is getting huge.
Cravings? just fresh fruit...oh yea...and MEXICAN FOOD. My husband has been promising to take me for awhile but each time it ends up getting changed or not working....if I dont get my hands on a chimichanga soon.....
Wedding Rings: My hands are swelling a little bit with the heat we have been having here but not to the extent that I need to take off my rings.
Missing Anything? Well we had Tex's work Christmas party the other night. He works for a winery called Molly Dooker and they have the most delicious red wine...It was rough not being able to drink, but at least he had a sober driver for the night haha
Aches & Pains: Well I am happy to report I m feeling relatively good! My back pain is not as bad as it has been (still a bit of lower back but not bad) and I am all around feeling good. I am starting to have the pains from the beginning again of my scar tissue getting stretched which isn't an amazing feeling.  
Happy or Moody most of the time? Good, just super busy and forgetful....damn baby brain I dont think I ever understood how bad it can really be!
Stretch Marks? Still none
Things they don't tell you: Well I assumed that my ass growing was just me gaining weight but apparently I am not just getting fat, it's what happens! I dont understand how some women claim to "not look pregnant from behind" because your hips widen and make you look massive. I mean I know there are a few lucky ladies who really don't look pregnant from behind for most of the pregnancy, bitches. It's what happens, I am embracing the extra curves.....hello granny panties :( Also, I suppose this is something they tell you but I never understood, you overheat so easily! It was 100 degrees here (40 C, hello aussie summer!) the other day and I was so so so miserable! Like I just wanted to die...I went through about 20 bottles of water. It made it even worse because Tex and I were out running errands all day so we were in and out of the car. I was miserable....Thank god we will be in America for at least the beginning of summer here....
Looking forward to: We have a 3D ultrasound this week! I am so excited to get a glimpse in and somewhat see what our beautiful little miss is going to look like :) And counting down until we go back to America for Christmas! 10 days! Yay!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

25 weeks

too busy this week to do a more creative board haha

24 weeks preggo photographing a wedding. Will be shooting up until 37 weeks!

How far along? 25 weeks , 7 days
Baby is the size of a: Rutabaga
Best moment of the week: I found this app for my iphone that allows you to put the microphone on your belly and you can actually hear the babies heart beat! I didnt think it would actually work but it does. It is amazing to be  able to hear her heart beat whenever I want to now. Oh how I love Apple :) I have literally been so busy i havent even had t
Movement? Still hasnt been moving a ton. The doctor said she is just running out of room. Crazy to thing she is about 1.5lbs now and still has to gain another 5lbs at least! She has been giving me some pretty good kicks as well that are on the verge of being painful. 
Cravings? Been on a major banana kick this week.....cant get enough!
Wedding Rings: Still on! Not too swollen yet.
Missing Anything? Deli meats, salami and good cheese like brie. I am so over the food restrictions! I am just dreaming of a big glass of wine with a beautiful cheese and cracker tray......Christmas is going to be hard!
Aches & Pains: My back my back my back.....the newest pain is from a pinched nerve on my left side. The dr said that because my ribs are expanding they are pinching the nerves along my spine...and let me tell you, it F*@#$%@ HURTS!!!! I haven't been able to sleep and am in constant pain. Combine that with my already sprained rib on the right side and the lower back sciatic nerve pain down my leg and I just want to cry constantly. It doesn't help that this is my busiest time of year and I am super busy with photo shoots and then hours at my desk editing. Hopefully I will get some relief over christmas while I am in America. 
Happy or Moody most of the time? Good this week minus being in pain and crying at the most ridiculous things. I started crying today over something so ridiculous I cant even write it I am so embarrassed haha It was a happy cry but still....sometimes it is better left unsaid!
Stretch Marks? Well none yet but my surgery scars are stretching and starting to look not so good......
Things they don't tell you: So one of the things I had never heard is that your mucous glands in your nose swell leading me to literally have a stuffy nose all the time! It makes it hard to breath with the baby growing bigger and my nose being so stuffy! Also causing a serious snoring problem! I wake myself up from snoring too loud on a regular poor husband at least he is getting a taste of his own medicine haha
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving!!!!! I am cooking Thanksgiving dinner this week to celebrate one of my favorite American Holidays. I am mostly excited to make my Aunt Carols famous stuffing....mouth is watering just thinking about it....Basically I am just excited to eat...weird....

So I just wanted to share these photo's. This is what happens when I attempt to get a nice photo out of my husband for our families christmas card. You would think after marrying a photographer he would be better at trying to get it done efficiently....nope.....

Saturday, November 10, 2012

24 weeks :)

not looking my best in this photo. Had spent the whole day in the sun to I will just say its that haha

On our way to watch Dad play some Rugby! 

Tex and little miss playing Kick Dad in the Head :)

Vader having his morning cuddles...seriously love this little cat

How far along? 24 weeks , 7 days
Baby is the size of a: eggplant
Best moment of the week: My husband and in laws (Greg & Tracey) decided to surprise me with tickets to go and see Jersey Boys (amazing!) as an early Christmas Gift. It was such a great show and the little miss moved every second of it! I think it was because the music was so loud, but she honestly didnt stop moving. She was having her own little dance part in Mommy's belly! It was such a fantastic night and feeling her go nuts just made it even better! Thanks again Greg and Tracey!
Maternity Clothes: Well not only do I not fit into most of my tops, or new bra's but now my underwear and not fitting either! My already descent size "bum bum" in my husbands words is growing and almost non of my underwear fit comfortably. Oh the joys.....right? haha I just need to give in and get some more maternity clothes, they are really the only things I feel comfortable in. 
Movement? She has actually been a bit more quiet this week. (minus the night we were at Jersey Boys) I am assuming she is going through a growth spurt, but I am hoping to get more movement back this week.
Cravings? Well from my photo this week its almost like what am I not craving? I did leave off Mexican food....chimichangas...I would kill for a good chimichanga! And Cheese Naan! Yummmmm.
Sleep: My night usually goes like this....fall asleep by 9 or 9:30 woken up by the husband about 30 mins later because I am snoring, have to pee...a few hours later wake myself up because I am snoring....4 am wake up to go pee again, toss and turn to try and get back to sleep...5:30 My cat Vader wakes me up to cuddle, toss and turn....6 am Tex's alarm, back to the bathroom again....if I am lucky I will go back to sleep after that for about an hour. And it varies depending on how bad I have to pee again. Seriously how many times can I go in one night! 
Belly Button: Its starting to look funny! I dont think I will be one of those people who's belly buttons fully pop out but I guess we will see!
Aches & Pains: Since I am keeping busy with my photography my lower back AND upper back and consistently in pain. After a wedding I photographed yesterday I couldnt even get off the couch and once I did I had such horrible shooting pains in my legs I though I was going to collapse! And my horrible ripping stretching pain I had in the first trimester is coming Dr thinks is scar tissue but damn it is painful!
Happy or Moody most of the time? Haha well lets just say I have noticed my hormones more this week than ever. Not only did I have a complete emotional break down over nothing...cried for almost a whole day straight, but I am so snappy with my poor husband! I notice myself getting irritated at him for literally no reason. And for those of you who have seen What to Expect When Your Expecting, and Elizabeth Banks says to her husband "I love you Gar, but all I want to do is punch you in the face". Yup, I can totally relate to that this week! And for no reason. Tex has been so amazing and patient with me. I am so lucky to have such a great guy...I have been happy a lot as well but there have just been some interesting moments. I love love love you TEX!!!!!
Looking forward to: A busy busy busy week! I am probably the busiest I have ever been with work, but I am coping really well. I am just taking it a day at a time :) Also little miss and her daddy love to play games together. This meaning he lays his head on my tummy and talks to her and she kicks him in the head. He likes using her like a magic 8 ball and asking her questions haha I am excited for more of it this week ;)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

23 weeks

Chloe and I

One of the many photo's I have done Of my beautiful god daughter :)

Chloe and the God Father haha lots of practice :)
Little miss all dressed for halloweenie!

How far along? 23 weeks , 7 days
Baby is the size of a: ear of corn
Best moment of the week: Well since I am playing catch up for week 22 as well there are a few! Last week got super crazy with the birth of my little niece Chloe Matilda! Pair that with lots of photo shoots and I was one busy girl. Best moments are Chloe being born and then being asked to be her God Mother :) Such an honor and I am so excited to play such a special role in her life. Hopefully Chloe and little Miss will grow up like BFF's!
Maternity Clothing? Well I have discovered that in Australia pregnant women are not allowed to look cute... There are literally almost no maternity stores to shop at! There is a teeny tiny section in target or Kmart but the clothes are so ugly. I am starting to have a hard time fitting into a lot of my tops. Unless they are super long they end up riding up on my belly and looking retarded. I am guessing I will spend this summer wearing a lot of Maxi dresses! My friend Naomi recommended an online store that has a ton of cute maternity clothes so I have been shopping there for some new tops that actually fit....Old Navy and the Gap deliver to Aussieland and they have a great maternity section as well. The only problem is America is going into winter as we are going into summer so they mainly have sweaters....
Movement? All the time. The best is how she reacts to her daddy's voice! The other night he had his head down on my tummy and whenever he spoke little miss would kick! It was so cool seeing how she reacted to him, it's making it more and more real. I have also been spending lots of time with Chloe and my belly works as a perfect resting spot for her. Whenever I am holding her the little miss always kicks where ever I have chloe laying. I think its her way of asking us to kindly stop squishing her ;) And that she loves her cousin already! I am also starting to be able to see my stomach moves when she kicks which is pretty amazing.
Cravings? Fresh fruit like banana's, cantaloupe, watermelon, strawberries....seriously cant keep enough in the house....Oh yea and pizza....always pizza. I am pretty sure that has been my number one craving!
Stretch Marks? None on my belly but I have a few scars from getting my appendix out and getting a cyst removed a few years ago and Im pretty sure those scars are stretching :( I am keeping bio oil on them but some of them are so new that Im worried the stretching may be permanent... we will see!
Wedding rings? On and only getting tight when I exercise or am out in the heat. My rings I wear on my right hand are starting to get even tighter so it looks like I may be taking them off sooner rather than later.
Miss Anything? Wine is always my number one thing I miss haha I just miss relaxing with a few glasses with my friends, but I am surviving! I also miss deli meat/subway I absolutely love subway and now I am very limited on what I can get from that I am talking about it I am craving it....damn.....
Aches & Pains: Surprisingly feeling really good. Small back aches occasionally, and a bit of feeling uncomfortable from the belly stretching. Other than that I am feeling good :)
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy :) These last few weeks have been nothing but happy. No crazy mood swings and just the excitement of the little miss's arrival as I let myself shop for her haha I need to slow down but it is so hard!
Looking forward to: More movement and more shopping! I feel like I have bought so much already but I still need more....right? haha Also just the changes I go through on a weekly basis with my body changing and feeling the little miss growing is exciting. Minus the weight gain but oh well! As long as she is healthy ;)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

21 weeks

How far along? 21 weeks , 7 days
Baby is the size of a: banana
Best moment of the week: Talking about names. We have started the part that I have been dreading on deciding a name. It has been surprisingly easy and I think we have one picked :) We wont be sharing with anyone because we dont want opinions or "I had a friends who was names that and..." haha keeping it hush hush...or at least trying... the only part I will give away is that the middle name is after my dad who passed away when I was a kid, Ray. Little Miss _____  Ray Edmonds! Any guesses? 
Movement? Lots of it right after I eat anything, but especially something sweet :)
Cravings? Not so much cravings, it more what do I not want to eat? I swear little miss is going through a growth spurt (or I am) because this week I cannot stop eating....It has gotten better now and my appetite has somewhat subsided, but I swear I was eating more than Tex and that is nearly impossible!
Stretch Marks? none
Wedding rings? On and not too tight. Probably will be a few more months until I have to start to worry about that!
Aches & Pains: I am feeling SOOOO STRETCHED! I finally am understanding what pregnant ladies mean when they say they are uncomfortable. Just the muscles being constantly pulled is so annoying. My feet also are starting to hurt when I stand for too long and today after walking around at the Meadows Fair my hips were aching. I had to come home and have a nap...haha so exhausting!
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy! I really think I am going through the best part of the pregnancy before I get really uncomfortable and irritable. There are so many good things going on in our lives right now and the excitement is building for when we get to meet little miss. I know it will fly by and be here before we know it but honestly I feel like February will never be here!!!
Looking forward to: I said this last week but my sister-in-law is due tomorrow and my little niece/nephew is killing me with anticipation! Also just feeling the baby move more and more. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

20 Weeks, its a GIRL!

How far along? 20 weeks , 7 days
Baby is the size of a: small cantaloupe
Best moment of the week: Do I really need to say it? Finding out that the little one is a LITTLE MISS! WOOO HOOO! Mommy knows best ;) I am over the moon happy and the shopping has begun! The gender reveal party ended up being a great success. And can you believe I didnt even peek once? I was shaking and on the verge of bursting into tears when it was time to cut the cake, but then it was pink! 
Sleep? All I want to do is sleep on my stomach!!! I just cant get comfortable and sleeping on my stomach is my favorite! Once I finally do fall asleep I am fine but getting to sleep is a bit rough at the minute.
Movement?Oh yes! Especially in the morning when I am sitting eating breakfast or sitting at my computer editing. I think I must squish her a bit when I sit so she loves to give me a few karate kicks :)
Cravings? This has sort of been an all the way through the pregnancy crazing but PIZZA! Pepperoni pizza.....oh yum not I am killing myself just thinking about it. And of course when ever anyone says something that sounds good I immediately start craving it. Like my mom sent me a picture of coffee cake yesterday. So at 8 am on saturday I was up making it from scratch, but oh man was it worth it! 
Stretch Marks: None, but my stomach has been SOOO itchy these last few days! I cant get enough oil and body butter on it. I have been resisting the itch but it is so so so uncomfortable!
Gender: ITS A GIRL ITS A GIRL ITS A GIRL......did I mention its a girl? haha
Belly Button In or Out? slowly starting to pop out.....
Aches & Pains: My back....most of you know I was in a car accident earlier this year where I was flipped upside down. Not too much fun. Anyways I sprained a rib in my back from that and it has never fully healed. That combined with carrying more weight than normal my back has been KILLING ME! I was on my feet all day for the gender reveal party, cooking and decorating and by the end of the day I was limping from the worst pain going from my upper back through to my right leg. I had two weddings to photograph this weekend and I could barely walk. I went to the physio (physical therapist) and she did some dry needling/acupuncture and magically I was fixed! I thought photographing two weddings in one weekend with the belly may kill me but I feel surprisingly good. Maybe I will be able to survive wedding season :)
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy. Very happy :) The husband has been working overtime for a "happy wife happy life". He has been so great with everything even rubbing my back and feet when I need it. Oh and also giving into every craving I have a eating pizza just about everyday of the week. He deserves a medal I swear haha We went and chose out little miss's first outfit together now that we know she is officially a girl. Its a pink summer dress for her to wear when we go back to America in July. Oh and we also got a present from her brother and sister (vader & snooki) little pj's with cats all over them haha 
Looking forward to: Doctors appointment this week AND my sister in law Jess is hopefully going to pop any day now! I cant wait to have a new niece or nephew to cuddle/play with/take photo's of :) HURRY UP LITTLE BAILEY BABY!