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Saturday, November 3, 2012

23 weeks

Chloe and I

One of the many photo's I have done Of my beautiful god daughter :)

Chloe and the God Father haha lots of practice :)
Little miss all dressed for halloweenie!

How far along? 23 weeks , 7 days
Baby is the size of a: ear of corn
Best moment of the week: Well since I am playing catch up for week 22 as well there are a few! Last week got super crazy with the birth of my little niece Chloe Matilda! Pair that with lots of photo shoots and I was one busy girl. Best moments are Chloe being born and then being asked to be her God Mother :) Such an honor and I am so excited to play such a special role in her life. Hopefully Chloe and little Miss will grow up like BFF's!
Maternity Clothing? Well I have discovered that in Australia pregnant women are not allowed to look cute... There are literally almost no maternity stores to shop at! There is a teeny tiny section in target or Kmart but the clothes are so ugly. I am starting to have a hard time fitting into a lot of my tops. Unless they are super long they end up riding up on my belly and looking retarded. I am guessing I will spend this summer wearing a lot of Maxi dresses! My friend Naomi recommended an online store that has a ton of cute maternity clothes so I have been shopping there for some new tops that actually fit....Old Navy and the Gap deliver to Aussieland and they have a great maternity section as well. The only problem is America is going into winter as we are going into summer so they mainly have sweaters....
Movement? All the time. The best is how she reacts to her daddy's voice! The other night he had his head down on my tummy and whenever he spoke little miss would kick! It was so cool seeing how she reacted to him, it's making it more and more real. I have also been spending lots of time with Chloe and my belly works as a perfect resting spot for her. Whenever I am holding her the little miss always kicks where ever I have chloe laying. I think its her way of asking us to kindly stop squishing her ;) And that she loves her cousin already! I am also starting to be able to see my stomach moves when she kicks which is pretty amazing.
Cravings? Fresh fruit like banana's, cantaloupe, watermelon, strawberries....seriously cant keep enough in the house....Oh yea and pizza....always pizza. I am pretty sure that has been my number one craving!
Stretch Marks? None on my belly but I have a few scars from getting my appendix out and getting a cyst removed a few years ago and Im pretty sure those scars are stretching :( I am keeping bio oil on them but some of them are so new that Im worried the stretching may be permanent... we will see!
Wedding rings? On and only getting tight when I exercise or am out in the heat. My rings I wear on my right hand are starting to get even tighter so it looks like I may be taking them off sooner rather than later.
Miss Anything? Wine is always my number one thing I miss haha I just miss relaxing with a few glasses with my friends, but I am surviving! I also miss deli meat/subway I absolutely love subway and now I am very limited on what I can get from that I am talking about it I am craving it....damn.....
Aches & Pains: Surprisingly feeling really good. Small back aches occasionally, and a bit of feeling uncomfortable from the belly stretching. Other than that I am feeling good :)
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy :) These last few weeks have been nothing but happy. No crazy mood swings and just the excitement of the little miss's arrival as I let myself shop for her haha I need to slow down but it is so hard!
Looking forward to: More movement and more shopping! I feel like I have bought so much already but I still need more....right? haha Also just the changes I go through on a weekly basis with my body changing and feeling the little miss growing is exciting. Minus the weight gain but oh well! As long as she is healthy ;)

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