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Friday, March 28, 2014

17 Weeks

How far along? 17 weeks 6 days
Baby is the size of a: Turnip
Maternity clothes?Yes yes and yes...TMI bet in serious need of some new bra' chest seems to be growing faster than my belly! 
Gender: Girl!
Wedding rings on/off: On and staying there :) No swelling so far...I didn't have any with Kynley either so fingers crossed!
Best moment this week: Watching Kynley learn to walk! She is almost walking more than she crawls now. So crazy to see how fast it happens and so exciting!! I love seeing her toddle around the house like a little drunk man haha Poor girl has taken a few good falls but she is tough :)
Miss Anything: Wine wine wine...oh yea and Champagne. 
Food cravings: Pizza....i think we may end up with a re run of Kynley. All I wanted was pepperoni pizza all day every has pretty much been like that this week! And s'mores.... or brownies....or cookies...
Movement: small little kicks for sure. I cant wait for them to get stronger!
Aches & Pains: I have been having the worst round ligament stretching pain this week. Literally so so so painful and uncomfortable. It's reminding me that I don't love being pregnant as much as I thought I did haha. Also lots of sciatica back pain. Especially after a long day on my feel shooting a wedding.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy :)Just super super exhausted...It is almost 6pm on friday and the second I get the little munchkin in bed, I'm going to bed too! The exhaustion is killing me right now. 
Looking forward to:My little sister is in town this week to visit her boyfriend (yes she is dating an aussie). It is so much fun to get to see my family with Kynley as she gets older and crazier :)

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Gender Reveal....It's A Girl!

So as you know, we found out we are having another girl! Yes Kynley will have a sister!

We decided to find out the old fashioned way this the ultrasound instead of doing a gender reveal party. I had a really hard time deciding on what I wanted to do, party or no party, but when I found a place that i could get the ultrasound done at 16 weeks and find out the gender I decided to can the party idea!

I have just been so emotional this pregnancy that finding out the gender in front of a group of people could have been a bit too much for me. And to organise a party....lets be honest I didn't have the energy. I had found this idea on Pinterest for a Ties & Tutu's party, and I really really wanted to use it!!! So I decided to do a gender reveal photo shoot to post on Facebook and send to family and friends.

Here is what we came up with....I am so happy with how well the idea worked. What is better then announcing the gender with a bottle of champagne??!?!?!? I purchased two bottles, and decorated them, one with a tutu and one with a bow tie. Right before we took the pictures my husband shook up the Girl bottle as hard as he could. The whole idea was to pop the corks at the same time and have his bottle do nothing and the girl explode. It half way worked, except he popped his early....haha Any ways here are the pics from it! Thank you to my friend Maree for taking these for us!


I just want to say a quick thank you to everyone and their kind words to us! We are so thrilled to be having another girl! Also a big thank you to my friend Jodie who got the girls their first matching outfits! I almost died from excitement. Yes I will be that mom who dresses her children in the same clothes. Why? Because it is damn cute!

Friday, March 21, 2014

16 weeks

How far along? 16 weeks 
Baby is the size of a: Avacado
Maternity clothes?Living in leggings and counting down the days until I am in America to do some shopping! I cant find my favorite pair of preggo jeans from last time and it is killing me! Non of my other ones fit and the jeggings that do fit give a not so cute muffin top. Im in that in between size where none of my old maternity clothes really fit but none of my non maternity clothes fit, which is extremely frustrating. I have two of my close friends getting married today (Congrats Ash and Sos!) and to find a dress to wear to the wedding has been extra difficult. 
Gender: ITS A GIRL, ITS A GIRL, ITS A GIRL!!!!! I mean I knew it all along anyways haha. According to my Grandmommy our family doesn't know how to make anything but girls. After we found out was a girl I just started sobbing like a small child (tears of happiness). This is all I have ever wanted was to have two little girls that could be sisters. I am so close with my sisters and now to know we are giving Kynley a BFF makes my heart so full. On the car ride home I would just start crying thinking about how happy I was. My husband thought I was out of my mind, especially when I started saying that we are making Kynley her maid of honor haha. Yes I was losing it but I cant help it, I am just so happy!
Sleep: Amazing this week, kind of over the ridiculously realistic dreams though. I dreamt both nights before the ultrasound that we were having a boy which seriously up'd my anxiety haha
Best moment this week: Finding out the gender and spending some quality time with my little bug. As she gets older she is showing me more and more affection and I am soaking up every second of it. She has started hugging and patting you on the back/arms when she is tired and about to go down for a nap. It is the cutest thing ever. Also, did I mention she has almost started walking??!?! It is so adorable to see her toddling around like a mini drunk haha When babies first learn to walk I am pretty sure it is the cutest thing ever. 
Miss Anything: sleeping on my stomach :(
Food cravings: Buffalo wings....
Movement: I have been too busy and too tired at night to even think about it, but yes little movements.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Super super emotional, cry at the drop of a hat, but in a good way haha 
Looking forward to: Naming the new princess!!! To be honest I have been dreading it. We started looking the other night and I really was not finding anything fantastic. Then a couple of days ago a name just came to me, and I am pretty sure she is named :) My hubby is still warming to the name, but it took him a bit to warm to Kynley's name as well. I just keep saying their names together and it is way too adorable to handle! So many people have asked me about what names we are thinking so here is a list of axed names, mainly because Tex didnt like them haha Keylie, Kaidence, Ireland (love love loved this name but didnt see it acutally working), Taylee, & Kyra. You will notice a trend with all of my names haha I love K's and Y's. No I am not trying to be the Kardashians, but I have always loved names that start with a K. 

For now, I am just enjoying every second I have with Kynley. She is just growing up so fast and her little personality and attitude are so funny right now. Im finding myself wanting to wake her up when she is asleep just to play with her! I love that little munchkin more than I could ever have imagined. The age she is at is definitely the best age. Even though taking her in public as always questionable because of possible melt downs haha. The good moments out weigh the bad by a lot :)

Thursday, March 13, 2014

15 Weeks

How far along? 15 weeks 6 days
Baby is the size of a: Orange
Maternity clothes? My maternity pants are still to big to really wear, I bought most of them when I was 30 weeks + in my last pregnancy so I have some growing to do before the actually fit me and look good.
Gender: We are booked in over the weekend for an ultrasound where we can possibly find out the excited as I am, Im not sure what we will do. Party or no party....still think its a girl :)
Sleep: Great :)
Best moment this week: Getting my fetal doppler in the mail! I spent a whole $50 and ordered one from China, so I can listen to the babies heart beat when ever I want! It works really well! Tex and I were blown away the first time we heard the heart beat. So cool. I cant stop listening....
Miss Anything: Turkey Sandwiches....
Food cravings: Nothing this week...but my husband did bring me home an Oreo McFlurry the other night and it was the best thing I have ever tasted haha
Anything making you queasy or sick: Kynleys diapers? haha Not really, feeling good!
Movement: 100% positive I was feeling the baby little kicks!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Again really happy! Cry easily, but usually for happy reasons. I almost always cry while I am photographing weddings now. Little moments through the day really get me! Luckily I have my camera to hide behind!
Looking forward to: The possibility of knowing the gender sooner than I thought......terrifying but exciting :)

Thursday, March 6, 2014

14 weeks:: Second Trimester a

How far along? 14 weeks 6 days
Baby is the size of a: Lemon
Maternity clothes? Got my box of maternity pants out of the garage. Have fully given in.
Gender: The gender of this one is KILLING ME! I am dying to know even more than I was with Kynley. I am calling an imaging place today to see how early we can get a 3d ultrasound done to find out...hopefully in the next 2 weeks! Then the big question do a gender reveal party or not to......I was leaning towards no, but then the last few days I have been thinking yes....we will see
Sleep: Amazing, minus our cat Vader who loves to spoon with me...yes spoon. He wakes me up to get under the covers and lay along side me...then of course I have to get up to drives me insane, but I love him too much to turn him away haha
Best moment this week: I have had such a good week so I get a few... 1. I booked flights for Kynley and I to be back in the USA for Easter (April13-May3) it will be the last time I am home until Christmas :( I have to make the most of my shopping! 2. We are doing this pregnancy a little different on the health care side of things, last time we went private and this time we have chosen public (which I'm not super happy about). Yesterday I found out that I will still be able to see my OB from the last pregnancy throughout this one too! Seriously people, I was so happy I almost cried. Not to mention her office is right next to a restaurant that does american food...Buffalo wings to go? Yes please!
Miss Anything: This is the first week I haven't really felt deprived....although I was thinking ahead to Easter with the family and drooling over all of the delicious champagne cocktails I will miss out on....
Food cravings: Im big on fruit smoothies right now. My appetite is non existent in the mornings so I have been making Kynley and I smoothing packed with fruits and veggies. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: The last two days I have started getting really nauseous when I get hungry. I had this a bit in the first trimester around 6 or 7 weeks where I felt like I have to eat something or I would puke. And that feeling has come back, and I hate it. I'm making it a habit of packing snacks for myself in Kynley's diaper bag to survive.
Movement: Pretty positive I was getting some movement last night! I love it!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Really good this week :) 
Looking forward to: I have two doctor appointments next week! Both for baby #2 one with the OB and another at the hospital where we will deliver. Excited to spend some more time on this pregnancy since it feels like its almost not even there...minus this basketball I'm slowly growing....