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Monday, February 23, 2015

6 Months!

Our little KyKy is officially 6 months old and I just have one question....when the hell did that happen???? How does time fly so quickly? Especially with two crazies running around I feel like everything goes so much faster. Days can turn into a blur. and really, where did my babies hair go?!?! She had all of this beautiful hair when she was born and now she is nearly bald!

I missed the 5 month blog, but at least I took a photo. Kyler is coming into one of my favorite ages. 6-10 months was my favorite age with Kynley, before she started moving and having serious attitude, yes it starts young! Kyler is a happy little smiley girl. Big beautiful eyes and an adorable gummy smile. She has been working on her two bottom teeth for a few months now and we're all just ready for them to come through! Between the two of us we have been to the doctor almost every week. She has been sick a lot lately with ear infections, fevers, a virus....the list goes on. Poor little love. This last week she has had really high fevers all week and her sleep has gone out the window...which means mine has as well. Hoping to get her back on schedule now that she is on the mend.

Kyky loves blowing raspberries, is almost sitting up, rolls over and LOVES her daddy. The way her eyes light up when she see's him melts my heart. At the moment she wants everything that you are eating and drinking , but isn't a huge fan of food yet. We are working on it, I think it took Kynley awhile to like food as well. She also thinks her older sister is HILARIOUS! Kyler is constantly laughing at things Kynley does. I am dying for them to be able to play together. I feel like it will start happening more onces Kyler is sitting up on her own. She just has a massive head to support so I think it will be a bit longer ;) She talks and squeals a lot....our house is never quiet between the two of them.

I feel now that i have gotten the hang if two kiddos. I do find myself in disbelief that my life is as chaotic as it is regularly and it is now the norm! I think I do relatively well with the chaos. Both girls sleep through the night for at least 12 hours straight (when their not sick). A good nights sleep always makes me a better mommy in the morning!!! Kyler has a dr app to get her big noggin checked. The dr is worried about the size of her head, maybe her skull fused too soon. Im not too concerned about it. My husband had/has a massive head and so did Kynley! Its that damn Edmonds box head ;) But we will see. Etiher was she definitely struggles lifting it which means she probably won't be crawling for awhile.

She brings so much happiness everyday I just love this little girl.