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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

We made it!

I know this blog post is long over due on so many levels, but I figured better late than never right? It also helps that I'm sitting in the airport at 5am waiting to board a flight to Denver to visit my sister....BY MYSELF! Yup the crazy train is staying home with Daddy, Geemye, and Papa so I can help my sister with her wedding dress fitting and I get a little break!

We obviously have arrived to America safely, but it has definitely been a bumpy road getting here. Selling everything you own is not something that I suggest anyone doing ever in their life. Not only is it a huge pain in the ass, but totally not worth it (obvi, especially when the Aussie dollar is .70cents to the US $1 OUCH). But we did it, and somehow survived it. I also made it through another 3 plane rides alone with both babies to America (Dad's work visa wasn't approved yet and I had a wedding to photograph). It was all pretty smooth sailing, well as smooth as you can have with two banshee babies. Our biggest excitement was Kyler falling head first into the aisle while we were waiting to get off the plane, mother of the year.... And Kynley dumping all of her juice on Kyky's head while she was sleeping on the floor during our flight from Hawaii to Seattle...Needless to say I was more than happy to be back and to not have to fly with them alone for a VERY VERY VERY long time.

Once we got back it took a few weeks for my Tex's work visa to come in, so I was single parenting with jet lag and a lot going on. We celebrated Kyler's first birthday without Dad, but had a ton of amazing family and friends to enjoy it with us! It was definitely a rough transition knowing we were back for good and not having a "home", but also a happy time knowing my family wasn't going to have to say good bye to the girls again. This living situation is so hard because no matter what someone is missing out. I was a hot mess for the first few weeks we were here. I almost couldn't talk about the move without bursting into tears. It was definitely hard saying good bye to our aussie friends and family and our life there. I am doing much better now as we have started to get our lives together.

Once Tex got here our first priority was a car. The ONLY bonus about moving back with nothing is that you get to buy everything brand new, start with a completely clean slate. Once we got our car it made it start to feel a bit more real. We are currently still at my parents house. House hunting is a lot harder than I thought it would be. It probably doesn't help that we still are unsure of where we want to settle. Washington & Arizona are at the top of the list still but trying to work out when to go where. Hopefully we are in somewhere by November 1st....fingers crossed.

In the mean time we are keeping very busy as I try to get back to work and Daddy works from home. We have a pretty good routine at the moment, but having Dad there all day has taken some getting used to. The best part about being here now is that we are here for all of the Fall festivities. Not living here for so many years and having to miss out on Halloween and Thanksgiving has been rough to say the least. The excitement of getting to finally celebrate it here with my family and my children is almost overwhelming. I have seriously missed it so much! The best part at the moment is getting to teach Kynley all about halloween. She is pumpkin obsessed and calls them "munkits". Her toddler talk is hilarious. She has also decided that she wants to be a witch for halloween....we will see how long that lasts.

Tex has found an Aussie rules footy team here in Seattle! He has played one game with them and is hoping to play another one in October. It's nice to have him find a bit of home here. Definitely not the same as sitting at the footy club having a few wines while watching him play, but we are making it work ;)

A very overdue Kynley and Kyler update are coming soon. Nw that are life is slowing falling into place I'm hoping to have more time to blog. We will see! Also, any friends/family in the Seattle area...I am officially back in business! I will be doing $100 mini sessions for the month of October and having special deals on my portrait packages just in time for Christmas cards! If you know anyone needing something done, feel free to send them my way ;)