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Thursday, February 20, 2014

12 Weeks, Baby #2 Here we go!!!

Kind of crazy that is has basically been a year since I wrote my last pregnancy post, and here I am writing another one almost exactly a year later! It's exciting that I got to write Kynley's last 12 month post today and my first preggo post. Never a dull moment here!

Most of you who read these posts are friends with me on Facebook from one walk of life or another, or you found me on Pinterest from my last preggo blog. I am so excited to get to share another pregnancy with everyone especially since theses posts are mostly for my family who I live half way around the world from!

So here we are with a 12month old, and I am 3 months pregnant with a new one. For those of you wondering, no this was not an accident, we are bat shit crazy enough to have planned this!Tex (my husband) and I are both from families who have had siblings close together. My older sister, Shanyn, and I are 13 months apart, and Tex and his sister, Jess, are 18 months apart. So when we started our little family we knew we wanted our first two children close in age. We planned the pregnancy around our work schedules, I am a wedding photographer (I love love love my job) and I wasn't willing to give up a wedding season, nor did I want to go into labor at another wedding like last time haha So August was the perfect time for us. (for those of you not familiar with Australia, they are on opposite seasons to the us so the summer is Dec-feb) Fast forward to now and Im thinking we might be slightly crazy and maybe I am a little over ambitious? Either way we are thrilled to have our family grow by one more :)

This pregnancy has been very similar to the last so far. Just a feeling of horrible car sickness for the first trimester, and the occasional vomit. Sweet. Add in a ton of exhaustion to top it off and I think I am ready for the second trimester.... My stomach popped a lot sooner this time than last. I have been in hiding until my 12 week ultrasound because, in my opinion, I was obviously preggo looking. The second pregnancy has been different in a lot of other ways, like I always forget I'm pregnant. There is just so much more going on now with Kynley that I put myself on the back burner. My husband is constantly reminding me to eat, because I honestly forget. Peoples attitudes have been way different as well. I get a lot more negativity towards this one than the last. People are quick to tell me how hard life is going to be, what horrible things I'm in for and that maybe my popped belly isn't the baby, I'm just gaining more weight with this pregnancy. It's amazing how nice people can be...

Luckily for me the things people told me about my last baby never happened. I swear I get more sleep now than I did before kids, and I am determined that my next baby is going to be as amazing of a baby as Kynley was. I think you get what you put into it, and a lots of positive energy and thinking went into my first pregnancy, and I will do the same with this one. So here we go with baby #2 :)

How far along? 12 weeks 6 days
Baby is the size of a: Plum
Maternity clothes? Some shirts and most of my pants. The belly did not take long to pop this time!
Gender: Last time I knew 100% Kynley was a girl from the beginning (even bought her a pink outfit the day I found out I was preggo) This time around I am not so sure. I am was originally thinking boy, but now my gut has gone to girl. Maybe its because I really really really want a sister for Kynley....REALLY REALLY BAD! If it is a boy I will still be thrilled I just won't know what to do with it haha Put a tutu on his head?
Stretch marks? From my last pregnancy, those f*ckers came out in the last week right before Kynley was born. Keeping bio oil on constantly hoping to avoid more…
Sleep: I have been waking up around 5:45 every morning….so annoying, especially since Kynley sleeps until 7:15, so i feel like being awake that early is a waste of time haha
Best moment this week: Having my sister here to go to my 12 weeks ultrasound with me and be here for miss Kynley’s first birthday :)
Miss Anything: WINE TIME! It’s my favourite part of the day….and now its just tea time :(
Food cravings: Fresh fruit and sour candy…haven’t had any serious cravings yet.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Food in general? If i have my appetite I will eat, (my bird sized portions since that is all my body will allow at the moment) and I immediacy feel like I need to gag. My gag reflex has been horrible this pregnancy
Wedding rings on or off? On 
Movement: I think...maybe...I am starting to feel little flutters. I know they say the second time you feel them much sooner, but I am not positive yet. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time, emotional for sure haha I cry way too easily, mostly at disney movies or when Kynley does something cute. I cried like a baby at her first birthday. But I am in a good mood for the most part…i think

Looking forward to: Not being sick anymore. Honestly it is the worst chasing around Kynley, working and being constantly sick! I am ready for my energy back too. this whole 7:30pm bedtime for mommy needs to stop haha

I just had a quick read through my last 12 week blog and things are definitely looking similar to the last, almost the exact same! Very cool to get to compare them and will be even cooler for my kiddo's to get to look back and read these :)

A quick look at the last one....

1 comment:

  1. Hi I want to follow you on blogger and I can't figure out how...
