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Thursday, February 20, 2014

12 months

Well, some how, I am not sure how, my beautiful little baby has turned 1! I really cannot believe that I have a one year old child. She is still 6 months old in my mind....Maybe its because she still wears her 6 month clothing haha She is currently sitting next to me stuffing her face with spaghetti while we listen to disney music on pandora. She loves disney music. Maybe its because I sing it to her like a crazy person and she thinks I'm amusing?

We have had the privilege of having my older sister here for the last 10 days to celebrate little miss's birthday. It has been the best 10 days ever. Seeing my sister with Kynley really makes me realise I need to work less, keep the phone away and just spend more time with my little girl, because she won't be little for too much longer :( Last night we were talking about when she was first born and how obsessed with her we were and how I never wanted her to get older. Here we are 12 months later and I feel the exact same way! 12 months is by far my most favorite stage from this little princess. I love her tantrums and her funny expressions, her baby gibberish and all of the crazy things she does.

Even more exciting is that my littlest princess will be a big sister in August! So crazy to think we are adding another little crazy to our family but I couldn't be more excited... and yes I will be doing the weekly bump blog again :)

Here are some fun Kynley facts for you....

- she gives the most hilarious dirty looks right now. I think its when she is trying to understand a situation or is thinking hard, but it definitely looks like she is evil eyeing the crap out of you haha

-Girlfriend has sass...and a lot of it. Such at little attitude at only 1 year old, I am terrified for her teenage years! Although now, the sass is ridiculously cute and hilarious.

- She wants to walk soooo badly! I actually feel bad for her because she is just ready to get up and run! She pulls herself up on things and walks around the edges of couches and tables. She can almost stand up from just sitting on the ground. I would say its about another month until she begins to walk.  I think her teeny tiny feet need to grow to catch up to her big noggin before it will happen haha she is still a bit top heavy

- Her favourite food right now is green beans with a little bit of soy sauce on them. She could eat them all day everyday.

-She is getting lots of hair and has lots of crazy hair days. I am dying for the day I get to put her hair in a little pony tail on top of her head!

-She has just started to be interested in the tv in about the last month. And when I say interested I mean whatever is one tv she will stop and stare and nothing you can do will peel her eye sight away from it (edmonds trait). We definitely don't have the tv on often for that reason, she is glued to it!

-When we do watch tv or movies her favourite movie is Frozen. My husband acquired it somehow.... and she is obsessed. She loves Beauty and the Beast too. Needless to say this little girl will be raised on the Disney classics!

-right now her favourite "toy" is any empty box. She loves to push them across our tile floors. its amazing how fast she moves with them!

-She loves smoothies. I put lots of fresh fruit and veggies in them and she thinks she is getting a desert. The only downside is she gives herself brain freeze all the time and spits the smoothie back out onto herself which makes for a huge mess. She often bathes twice a day haha

This last year has been the best year if my life. I could never images the love that I feel for that little girl and can't even fathom that we are adding another one that I will love just as much. It is sad that this will be my last time doing her monthly growth blog, but exciting to be moving on to a new chapter at the same time.

For those of you who missed this on my Facebook, here is a video I created with highlights of her first year.

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