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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Welcome Kyler Elizabeth Edmonds!

Our last picture, and then the reality of what was happening while we were trying to take the picture....

Today is her due I thought it would be fitting to do our last photo today :)

As some of you may know, we welcome our second little princess into the world last week! Friday the 22nd of August 2014, 7:46pm, 6lbs 4oz, 18in (47cm) long. We are over the moon to now be a family of four! Kynley is LOVING being a big sister. She is constantly wanting to give her kisses and cuddles. When we lay them down together Kynley freezes stiff too afraid to move. She has started to share her things with Kyler like her bottle or blankets, but will promptly steal her dummy (binky) if given the chance! She has nicknamed her "Boe Boe" which is kinda adorable.

Life with two has been crazy, but amazing. I am so fortunate to have my mom and sister over here to help and to have the most amazing husband ever by my side. Thank you to all of the family and friends who have visited, brought us food, helped with Kynley, and showed so much love for our little family. Feeling very loved right about now, and Kyler is officially spoiled ;)

Kyler is doing great, dare I say better than Kynley when she was a newborn? And she was easy! I know it is only early days but she has been a good sleeper and very easy to settle. The only real issue we have run into was with breast feeding. Lets just say Kyler wasn't overly great at it, and I hated it. At the moment everything is sunshine and rainbows because I have 3 helpers in my house, check back in with me in a few weeks once my family is gone and Tex is back at work and I might be singing a different tune!

Kyler's entrance to the world was very different to Kynley's. It started at my 39 week doctors appointment. My dr checked my cervix and did a membrane sweep to help move things along since my sister would be here sunday. She said she just did a small sweep and it would most likely do nothing, but it would just help me along the way. Well, it did something. That night I was super cramped (like how I was before Kynley was born) and I just knew something more serious was happening. I woke up at 1:45am and had started contractions, nothing overly painful, but i knew they were more serious than my irritable uterus I had been dealing with. I got up and decided to take a shower and see if it sped things up or calmed things down. Of course it sped things up. So I woke the hubby and got my step mother-in-law over to stay with Kynley. By the time we got to the hospital my contractions were 5 mins apart and kinda painful, not too bad. They checked my cervix and told me I was only 2 cm and to go home to labor at home, but said we would most likely have a baby in the next 24 hours. So home we went where I attempted to nap. Impossible when you're having contractions. Then I got in the bath and they slowed down a lot. Im not sure if I was devastated or relieved. So naturally, I got ready and took some maternity photo's just incase it was arrival day, at least my hair and makeup would be done right? After those I decided it was babies arrival day, so I started cleaning, doing lunges and bouncing on a yoga ball to get things moving. Within about an hour of cleaning the contractions started picking up again...and quick! My lovely neighbour is a midwife and happened to be outside with her kids so I spoke to her to see what to do and decided to head to the hospital. It was about 1:30pm, and its a good thing we did. While we were in the car things really picked up. Worse contractions than I ever had with Kynley. THEY F*CKING HURT! I remember calling my mom on the drive there and having to hand the phone to tex while I cried though contractions.

Finally we arrived at the hospital and I was 4cm dilated! Woo hoo epidural time!! They immediately called the anaesthesiologist and I hopped in the shower. My contractions had been all in my back (which was right considering I had been told the baby and I were back to back aka the wrong way) so after I was bent over in the shower for 5 mins something changed, and they went from back contractions to all front contractions, and that sucked even more!!! Luckily at that point I heard the midwife talking about gas (yes America, we get gas as a happy juice for our labor and its f*cking amazing) so I bounced on the yoga ball and sucked on that gas until I was so high I was living on another planet. After what seemed like forever, my husband thinks about 2 hours, I don't remember, she arrived to give me the epidural. At that point my contractions were coming about 2 mins apart and sometimes one after another...yea that really sucked. So it took her awhile to get the epidural in. Anyone who knows me, knows I don't deal with pain, and I never wanted to know what it felt like to be that far into labor. I can't even believe I handled as well as I did. I attribute that to the wonderful gas!

Once it was in I would say I got an hour pain free before they realized I was fully dilated and ready to push! My labour with Kynley I pushed for about two hours, so I was dreading this part. The midwife had me do a "test push" and then two pushes after that Kyler Elizabeth was born! (only 5 mins...) Remember when I said my contractions changed? Well apparently she did flip the right way which meant I didn't have to push for forever! It all happened so fast Tex and I couldn't believe it. and when she came out....the hair! We were shocked! So much hair!!! We had my friend Maree in the room photographing Kynleys birth, and unfortunately this time everything happened so fast our photographer missed it! So we have no photo's until later except for a few on our phones.

It has been so amazing adding another gorgeous girl to our family. You never know how much you can love another little one until they actually arrive, and there is just so much love. More photo's and stories to come later. But for now I'm enjoying time with my family :)

 When Kynley came to meet Kyler she was sick and miserable... got a few great pics of her with the baby but then a melt down followed in true toddler fashion, thank you Uncle Steven for getting this priceless moment that will for sure be going into the baby book ;)
My girls :)

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