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Friday, August 1, 2014

35 Weeks

How far along? 35 weeks 6 days
Baby is the size of a: Honey dew melon
Gender: Little Princess
Best moment this week: My Baby Sprinkle!!! My friends Jodie and Maree threw a baby sprinkle for me....basically just a girls lunch with my close friends and some family. It was a lot of fun and great to catch up with out my toddler tornado running around. Jodie is an AMAZING baker and made the most delicious red velvet cake. OMG it was so good, Tex and I have been eating it all week!!! Thank you again you two! It was a great day :)
Miss Anything: Being able to bend over? I have resorted to picking things up with my feet
Movement: I am finally beginning to figure out which body part is sticking out. Lots of feet pressing hard against my stomach. 
Wedding Rings On/Off: On 
Belly Button in/out: looking weird, but in.
Cravings: the usual
Sleep: My hips are KILLING ME!!! I toss and turn trying to get comfy....
Aches and pains: My hips have started to ache, and some lower back pain, but other than that im pretty good
Labor Signs: I had an appointment with the midwife today and baby girl is head down and has dropped! I can for sure feel she has dropped from last week...feels like she is about to fall out! TMI sorry! I was waddling around the mall this afternoon getting some last few items of clothing for the baby and I could hardly walk. Obese penguin status.  At the appointment today, the midwife said the baby hadnt grown since my last appointment two weeks ago from the measurement they do. She said it could be nothing, but there is a small chance the baby has stopped growing. I spoke to my OB and she wasnt too concerned about it, so I am hoping it is nothing. If she were to have stopped growing (meaning my placenta has stopped working) they would need to get her out asap. NOT READY! So fingers crossed she has grown by next week. They also said she is facing the wrong way, not breech, but instead of her back out, her back is against mine so I have to try and get her to turn. Lots of laying on my side and she said to spend as much time on my hands and knees as lots of playing with Kynley on the floor? The good news is they said she is small. Kynley was small so hopefully this little one follows in her sisters foot steps!
Happy or Moody most of the time:Happy, stressed....not ready and I need to start getting things ready
Looking forward to: Furniture shopping on sunday for the babies room! Finally get it put together just in case she makes and early arrival....

Just some quick shots form my baby sprinkle :) Thank you again to everyone who came! 

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