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Sunday, December 9, 2012

28 weeks, 3rd Trimester!

 With the beautiful bride, Amy, from the wedding I photographed Saturday. She is 18 weeks pregnant and I am 28. Umm....I wish I looked that amazing at 18 weeks!!!

 Some of the "out takes" we didnt use for our christmas card. Thanks Jess for taking the photo's for us :)
 That nose!!!

How far along? 28 weeks , 7 days
Baby is the size of a: Chinese Cabbage
Best moment of the week: We had a 3d/4d ultrasound done and it was amazing!!! I know they look a little creepy but it is different when it is your baby. So cool that technology is that advanced that they can actually take a sneak peek of what she looks like! She is looking like she has Auntie Spuz or Auntie Nanyns nose which is adorable :)
Movement? She LOVES to move like crazy right when I am trying to fall asleep. It drives me insane! And he movements and becoming much more forceful. Almost to the point of being painful at times, especially when she kicks my bladder! 
Sleep: She has decided I need to be awake at 5:30 every morning! But then I need a nap around 1 or 2.... dont always get the nap but hopefully I will while we are over in the U.S.
Cravings? Pizza...Pizza...Pizza...Pizza...Fruit...Pizza...Pizza...
Belly Button: Well I have my belly button pierced (dont wear anything in it now) and the piercing hole is on the side of my belly button! So weird I hope it doesn't stretch too much...
Missing Anything? I have been craving salami this week...and subway...a subway BMT....mmmm.....
Aches & Pains: Feeling pretty good although my lower back is giving me some pain. I have SO much editing to do before we leave for the U.S. so I have moved my office into the bedroom and am editing from bed :) Hope that saves my back from too much pain! I shot my last wedding for 2012 and have 3 more before the baby is born. I know they will be hard but I am having a few people assist me to help me survive. The hardest part is getting down low and bending! Seriously struggled with that on saturday!
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy and SO EXCITED to be back in the U.S. haha I cant wait to have people who are excited to feel her kick other than me! haha 
Things they don't tell you: Well my body has decided to reject my earrings! I cant wear anything without my ears getting red and itchy. Even my white gold diamonds irritate my ears :( 
Looking forward to: WE LEAVE FOR AMERICA ON WEDNESDAY!!! YAY! I am slightly concerned about the flight (as far as me being uncomfortable and my feet swelling) but I cant wait to see my family and be "home for the holidays"!!!! I think once I get home it will actually start to feel like Christmas time!!!! 3 days and counting......

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