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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Mommy tales...

In this adventure I am on called "mommyhood" I have a lot of things happen where I personally thinks it's funny, or maybe not funny, but either way I know I'm going to want to remember it. My sister Shanyn is always telling me to write these things down, so I have decided to start putting these stories in my blog for the future, and to maybe give some other people a laugh at my expense ;)

Being a mommy, I try to take everything in stride. I knew what I signed up for before Kynley was even born. I had been a nanny all the way through college and had a pretty good idea what I was about to happen to my life, in a good way. The biggest thing I was worried about was that I wouldn't be myself any more. I wouldn't be crazy or have the same sense of humor. Well guess what? I'm still me and it's all the same! So, with that said, when my toddler tornado decides to throw a tantrum in the middle of the store or do something that I can't even comprehend how I will deal with, I always try and find the positive in it. What that usually means is being able to look back on it and laugh. Because at the end of the day, her tantrums aren't the end of the world, and when you can laugh at the situation, it makes everything much better.

This isn't exactly a tantrum story, and let me say that I am not saying this is a parenting technique to use...but it's a cute story.

A few days ago I was attempting to take pictures of some new products I had made for me and my sisters company Pretty Little Monster Boutique. I had made these dummy (pacifier) clips and I was trying to take a picture using one of Kynleys dummy's in the photo as an example. I gave her a different dummy to try and distract her from stealing the dummy I was using for the photo, but she wanted both of them. I would put the  dummy down and try and snap a quick picture before she would grab it as fast as she could. I finally got irritated and was trying to figure out a way to get the dummy back, so I decided to fake cry and see what happened. 

I started "crying" and she just laughed at me. So I turned my back to her and kept crying. She came around to me and just smiled, both dummy's still in hand. I turned one more time and she came to me, patted me on the head, and put the dummy in my mouth! It was the cutest thing ever. My eyes welled up and I grabbed that chubby little monster and have her the biggest hug. I then felt guilty for fake crying, but her reaction was totally worth it. 

I love that crazy little banshee child even when she makes me want to pull my hair out ;) It's crazy to see how observant she is and see how much she actually understands.

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