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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Kyler- 3month update

Since Kyler has been born, I have been anxiously waiting for her to hit the 3 month mark. Not because I want things to go quickly, but because once she turned 3 months old I knew it would be about the time we were headed home to see my family!!! Two weeks from today we will be back home with my WHOLE FAMILY and I am way too excited. It has been rough not having all of my sisters and our step dad not have met my littlest girl yet, but the time is nearly here.

Little miss Kyler is getting very interactive, lots of giggling and smiles :) It is always so much fun when they start to laugh. Of course daddy is the funniest but I am a close second. Kynley still doesn't spend too much time with her, she is too busy sunning around destroying things. But every now and then when she is having a break for being destructive she will come and give "baby" a kiss and say "ya too" (love you).

Kyler is still s phenomenal sleeper, she is still sleeping majority of the day and then sleeps from 6pm-7am. I have gotten so many nights of full sleep I am feeling like a human again. just in time to ruin it all by changing time zones! Kynley was always so good at the time change, so I am hoping Kyler is as well. She currently HATES tummy time and her car seat and LOVES her dummy and play mat...that is, until her older sister comes along and steals the dummy out her her mouth and looks at me what her hands out like "what? what did I do?".

She is very sensitive to loud noises, especially Kynley's loud screaming and startles way too easily. If I cough or sneeze it is sure to scare the bajeebies (is that a word?) out of poor Kyky. At the moment she is never far away from a 20 minute screaming meltdown. Sometimes she is overtired, others is an upset tummy. She is definitely a more sensitive baby than Kynley ever was. I am hoping we can avoid meltdowns on the plane...fingers crossed. We have some really good days and some really bad ones. Im just lucky she is a good day sleeper so even if a meltdown occurs i can usually just rock her to sleep.

Life which two is definitely getting easier as we hit the 3 month mark. Everyone more comfortable with our new normal and we have a flow that works for us. I even make it out the door on time more often than not! i am just beyond excited to get the girls back to my sisters to love on and give this mommy and daddy a break...and maybe even a date night!

Kynley Update:

I keep saying I need to do a Kynley post and I promise I will...for now she is just a typical 21 month old. She is getting lots of words, but her favourites are Dummy, Nite nite, love you, see ya and SHOES!!!! The kid is shoe obsessed. Like put on a new pair ever hour, wear my shoes around the house, and if we can't find a matching one to a pair you better believe the world is coming to an end!!!

I am ALL about Christmas so it has been exciting to share a little bit of it with Kynley. She has assisted me in putting up our Christmas tree...and knocking it over 3 times! (its is just a little fake one since we don't spend x-mss here) When I first put it up, she went straight to it and repeatedly tried to blow out the lights! It was adorable. I also love blasting Christmas carols in the car. She loves to sing along (aka yelling at the top of her lungs) and at the end she always shouts YAY! and claps. Her current favourite movies are Finding Nemo and Tinkerbell Fairies movies. And she likes to go to the pantry and the fridge 50 times a day and stare and yell for snacks that usually get dumped on the floor and never fully get eaten. Sometimes she will come up to me and sit on my lap and grab my face with both of her hands and just stare at me haha She is crazy, but anyone who knows my husband and myself wouldn't expect our kids to be anything other than crazy.

There is so much more to tell but i do believe I finally have both girls in bed and it is wine time for the husband and I. Ill work on a post this week ;)

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