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Thursday, August 2, 2018

Leiya May-2 Months

2 months...How? I mean we all know how, but I really hate time. It's the worst thing in the world. I feel like this baby, I have made myself fully enjoy and be present. Way more than I did the other girls. Kynley I was a new mom and figuring things out. You don't really appreciate it as much as you could because you don't know what to expect...When Kyler came along Kynley was only 17 months old... she was still a baby...and then I had a newborn...I was so busy with Kynley and her that I really don't feel like I took the time to appreciate each stage...but lets be honest. I blacked out Kyle's first two years of life, so maybe I did and don't remember! Either way I have just been doing my best to enjoy every single second with Leiya. 

Kynley was always our "angel baby". Like the easiest baby ever...until Leiya came along! She doesn't have a choice but to be easy being the third baby, but honestly we are so lucky. I was so nervous for the jump from 2-3 and it has been easy... way easier than I expected. 

Leiya May is now 11 whole pounds. Her height is in the 36th percentile, weight 11th percentile and head 75th (surprise surprise!). She has just started talking and cooing and it is the cutest. She had her first shots the other day which is always hard but she didn't have any crazy side affects, just wanted her mommy and I am ok with that! Her sisters still love her a lot...Kyler seems to be going through a jealous phase at the moment where she kind of picks on Leiya, throws things at her, squishes her cheeks, hits her legs in the car seat...luckily Kyn is there most of the time to tell her to stop or tell me if I don't see it. 

Miss Leiya is also sleeping through the night! Whoop Whoop! All of my kids were sleeping through by 8 weeks old so when Leiya wasn't consistently doing it I was worried...but last week she decided it was time. I have to remind myself she was born 3 full weeks early! Anyways the last 4 nights she has been sleeping 10-12 hours straight...YAY! I however, am not. Always waking up to check on her but I'm ok with that. Hopefully the next few nights I will stop waking up every time she stirs!

Lastly I will just answer some frequently asked questions about this babe....

How do you pronounce her name? LAYA...LEIA... LAY-A...not Leah....yes like Leia from Star Wars....

Is she named after Star Wars? NO!!! Those of you who know my hubby know he is a huge star wars fan...its actually a reason why we didn't want to name her that. I found her name on Pinterest spelled Laya and went to Tex with it...he was like "Um no everyone will think she is named after Star Wars" So we decided to just table the name for the time being and keep looking. Over Christmas I had a dream she was born and her name was Leiya May  (May being named after my dads mom and sister, its their middle name too)... once I dreamt it was her name I couldn't change it. I felt like someone from above was giving me a sign. My mom came up with the spelling Leiya and that was it!

Why not another K name? Tex said no because then it would be "KKK"...enough said? I loved the same Kaia but....

Is this your last baby? YES...well I say yes...Tex says no..he still wants to try for that boy. I just don't think I can't handle another pregnancy. Three kids is a lot to deal with...four kids and I might lose my mind!

Also, she turned 2 months on July 22nd (our wedding anniversary!). I took this photo that day but it has taken me this long to post it...oops!

After posting this earlier today I went back to read my other girls 2 month updates. One of the reasons I love blogging...I can go back and read what was going on at the exact same time. Well, when I clicked on Kyler's 2 month update I found that I had written out how I got my babies to sleep 12 hours straight at night....I kinda re read the books this time but not as much as I should have. I literally re taught myself things via my blog post 😂 Super proud of myself for doing that!! Wish I would have read it earlier..check it out funny to see the similarities!

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