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Saturday, December 22, 2012

30 Weeks :)

How far along? 30 weeks 7 days....TIME IS FLYING!!!!
Baby is the size of a: Cabbage 2.75lbs
Best moment of the week: We are home for the holidays!!!!! I missed week 29, partially because I just couldn't be bothered writing and because I was with everyone I am usually writing for! I know I am going to love looking back on these weekly blogs so I am pushing myself to continue them even while I'm in America with my fam :) It has been AMAZING to be home with my sisters and parents. We are currently at a ski resort in Utah where we spending Christmas, and although it is rough not being able to ski this year, I am just enjoying being with family. My belly has turned into a magnet and has a hand from my sister or cousin on it at all times! I thought it would drive me nuts but it is so much fun seeing how excited people get when they feel her kick or move.
Movement? Little Miss was on over drive yesterday! I have never felt her move so much! From the moment I woke up to the moment I went to be she was moving around. It felt like she was doing flips in my belly! Auntie Nanyn got a good hard kick at lunch, she got to see how hard little miss is belting me from the inside!
Cravings? Well I need dessert after every meal...and ranch dressing...not together though haha
Belly Button: She has grown so much in the last week that my belly button is starting to look ridiculous! Not popped out yet, but just looking weird.
Missing Anything? Having all of the holiday drinks with the family....sigh....there is always next year. And skiing, it sucks being stuck inside while everyone is out skiing!
Aches & Pains: My lower back/sciatic nerve has been killing me! Not to mention we are at 8,000 feet and the altitude is taking it's toll on me. It is hard enough adjusting to altitude when your not pregnant but being here is just exhausting! I am constantly tired and ready for a nap!
Flying While Pregnant: Well to go from Australia to the U.S. is about a 24 hour long travel period. Doing it normally is exhausting so I was extremely nervous about doing it while 7 months pregnant! And I am happy to report it was fine! I didn't even get cankles :) I think it went well mostly because we flew Premium Economy and first class for most of the flights. Being able to put my feet up and have my own space really made a difference. Hardly any jet lag and I felt really good :)
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy and enjoying the time with my family :)
Looking forward to: My family baby shower today!!!! I have a baby shower with my moms side of the family and they have kept everything a big surprise, I am SOO excited!!!! Little Miss is going to be one spoiled little girl. She loves all of her Aunties already!!! It's almost Christmas! My favorite holiday :) My family has so many amazing traditions I am just enjoying them and thinking how next year little miss will be able to be apart of them. I am so excited to share our traditions and start our own with her.