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Monday, April 9, 2018

28, 29, 30, & 31 weeks

Oops! I kinda fell off the blogging wagon for a few weeks! Things have just been crazy and busy and I have been not feeling my best so this was the last thing on my list. Trying to get ready to go on maternity leave next month has been keeping my work a little nuts but I am getting there!

How far along? 31 weeks 2 days
Baby is the size of a: head of coconut
Stretch marks? small ones...nothing crazy yet
Sleep: 4:45am seems to be her preferred time to wake me up in the makes for a super productive day though!
Best moment this week: So much has gone on since my last post I will fill you in on some of it...we had a 3d/HD ultrasound at 28 weeks. We did this with both of the girls around the same time. Its so cool to see their little facial features and start to imagine what they will look like. In the ultrasound he said she is measuring 30 weeks not 28...she is very long. I could tell you that by the amount of times she kicks my hip bones or shoves her feet in my ribs! But it looks like she has a descent amount of hair and looks so much like baby Kyler! She also officially got the hiccups for the first time last week which might be my favorite thing ever. It is the cutest. I ordered most of the stuff we need for her a few weeks ago after panicking we had nothing. We literally sold ALL of our baby stuff when we moved from Australia except for a few pieces of clothes so it's kinda like were doing the first baby all over again. Plus, so many things have come out since we last had a baby I feel like I need all of it! The wallpaper came in for her room this weekend and I am so excited! Were just doing one wall but its really pretty! Kinda fun to be doing a third baby room!
Worst moment this week: I failed my first glucose test checking for gestational diabetes. I never failed with either of the girls so it freaked me out a little bit. I had to go and do the 3 hours test which I didn't realize was SO TERRIBLE!!!! You go in on an empty stomach at 8am, they draw your blood, then drink the horrible drink in 5 mins, then over a 3 hour period you get your blood drawn 3 more times! 4 blood draws in 3 hours. It was the most terrible thing ever. I had my dr app right after it. The test left me feeling like crap and so exhausted. When i got to the dr appointment the nurse looks at the computer she says "Oh! You're due for your TDap vaccine today!" I literally almost started to cry. So I ended up with 5 needle jabs in one day. Did I mention I HATE needles!? It was one of the worst days ever. I came home and napped and ate to try and feel better, but seriously it was a rough day. I got my results back and I am negative for gestational diabetes thank god.
Miss Anything: Not aching all the time. My belly muscles back legs hurt...I just whine a lot.
Food cravings: not really but I really haven't been a fan of avocado recently which isn't normal
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Wedding rings on or off? Off
Happy or Moody most of the time: I just whine a a lot about how uncomfortable I am....
Looking forward to:I have a Dr appointment today and we are setting an early induction date. We both think this baby is coming in May (my due date is June 10th), but she wants to make sure I make it to the hospital so we are setting a date for the first few days in June.

My Placenta is in the front so it made it hard to get super clear photos but you can see she def looks a bit like her sisters!

Lastly, I am huge. Like twice the size of what I was with the girls at this stage. It is killing me. I have no idea how I am going to make it until June at this rate. I just grabbed photos from the girls around the same time to prove it. Im literally that pregnant woman waddling around that people stare at and feel sorry for! When they ask me when I am due, and I tell them June, the look of shock/ sympathy on their faces always kills me. Im like I know..Im massive...😂 It doesn't offend me because I know how huge I look!

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