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Sunday, March 18, 2018

26 & 27 weeks

How far along? 27 weeks 6 days
Baby is the size of a: head of cauliflower
Stretch marks? Kinda
Sleep: Great when I take a unisom!
Best moment this week: All of the movement! Starting to get big rolling alien kinda movements which is super exciting.
Worst moment this week: Well I landed myself at the hospital twice in the last week. Once for a head ache, I think it was a migrane, but I have never had one before. They made me go in to get my blood pressure checked to make sure it wasn't preeclampsia. Once my blood pressure came back normal I left right away! Also  last Friday they made me go make sure I wasn't dilating at all after a day full of strong cramps and contractions. I had an irritable uterus with Kyler, and it seems to be back with this baby. Super uncomfortable and it feels like you're going into labor but you're not. The dr basically told me I am high risk for premature labor and I need to start taking it easy if I don't want to be put on bed rest. Luckily I hadn't dilated and we were only there for an hour, but some contractions were showing up on the machine they attach you to which was kinda scary. They also did a test for a hormone that your baby lets off when its getting ready for birth. The test can detect early labor for up to 2 weeks. That came back negative so we are good! I just will be in a lot of pain until the end of this pregnancy.
Miss Anything: Not waddling? I def have that preggo waddle down! 
Food cravings: nothing really this week which is weird....
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Wedding rings on or off? Off...My hands and feet have definitely started swelling. I am just wearing a small gold ring on my ring finger for now....
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, kinda grumpy if I'm uncomfortable....but mostly good. Exhausting has definitely kicked in and I am out of breath really quickly
Looking forward to:We have a 3D and HD ultrasound tomorrow morning! The kids haven't gone to any ultrasound appointments so it will be fun for them to get to see baby sister. We had 3D ultrasounds done with both girls at 28 weeks (which I will be tomorrow) so it will be fun to compare all of them together! I can't wait to see what her little nose looks like! I have a weird thing for babies noses.

I also just want to share a fun little story so when I look back on this blog I will remember. Right now whenever Kyler has food, like a cookie or candy and she doesn't want anymore of it, she will hand it to me and say "Here, this for baby sis" because I always tell her baby sis eats what i eat😂 Its my favorite thing ever. 

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