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Saturday, November 10, 2012

24 weeks :)

not looking my best in this photo. Had spent the whole day in the sun to I will just say its that haha

On our way to watch Dad play some Rugby! 

Tex and little miss playing Kick Dad in the Head :)

Vader having his morning cuddles...seriously love this little cat

How far along? 24 weeks , 7 days
Baby is the size of a: eggplant
Best moment of the week: My husband and in laws (Greg & Tracey) decided to surprise me with tickets to go and see Jersey Boys (amazing!) as an early Christmas Gift. It was such a great show and the little miss moved every second of it! I think it was because the music was so loud, but she honestly didnt stop moving. She was having her own little dance part in Mommy's belly! It was such a fantastic night and feeling her go nuts just made it even better! Thanks again Greg and Tracey!
Maternity Clothes: Well not only do I not fit into most of my tops, or new bra's but now my underwear and not fitting either! My already descent size "bum bum" in my husbands words is growing and almost non of my underwear fit comfortably. Oh the joys.....right? haha I just need to give in and get some more maternity clothes, they are really the only things I feel comfortable in. 
Movement? She has actually been a bit more quiet this week. (minus the night we were at Jersey Boys) I am assuming she is going through a growth spurt, but I am hoping to get more movement back this week.
Cravings? Well from my photo this week its almost like what am I not craving? I did leave off Mexican food....chimichangas...I would kill for a good chimichanga! And Cheese Naan! Yummmmm.
Sleep: My night usually goes like this....fall asleep by 9 or 9:30 woken up by the husband about 30 mins later because I am snoring, have to pee...a few hours later wake myself up because I am snoring....4 am wake up to go pee again, toss and turn to try and get back to sleep...5:30 My cat Vader wakes me up to cuddle, toss and turn....6 am Tex's alarm, back to the bathroom again....if I am lucky I will go back to sleep after that for about an hour. And it varies depending on how bad I have to pee again. Seriously how many times can I go in one night! 
Belly Button: Its starting to look funny! I dont think I will be one of those people who's belly buttons fully pop out but I guess we will see!
Aches & Pains: Since I am keeping busy with my photography my lower back AND upper back and consistently in pain. After a wedding I photographed yesterday I couldnt even get off the couch and once I did I had such horrible shooting pains in my legs I though I was going to collapse! And my horrible ripping stretching pain I had in the first trimester is coming Dr thinks is scar tissue but damn it is painful!
Happy or Moody most of the time? Haha well lets just say I have noticed my hormones more this week than ever. Not only did I have a complete emotional break down over nothing...cried for almost a whole day straight, but I am so snappy with my poor husband! I notice myself getting irritated at him for literally no reason. And for those of you who have seen What to Expect When Your Expecting, and Elizabeth Banks says to her husband "I love you Gar, but all I want to do is punch you in the face". Yup, I can totally relate to that this week! And for no reason. Tex has been so amazing and patient with me. I am so lucky to have such a great guy...I have been happy a lot as well but there have just been some interesting moments. I love love love you TEX!!!!!
Looking forward to: A busy busy busy week! I am probably the busiest I have ever been with work, but I am coping really well. I am just taking it a day at a time :) Also little miss and her daddy love to play games together. This meaning he lays his head on my tummy and talks to her and she kicks him in the head. He likes using her like a magic 8 ball and asking her questions haha I am excited for more of it this week ;)

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHA this is my favorite post yet! I wish there were like buttons!
