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Sunday, September 30, 2012

18 weeks!

How far along? 18 weeks , 7 days
Baby is the size of a: Sweet Potato
Maternity Clothes? Oh how I love shopping in America! I was back from Sept 12-25th and got some serious maternity shopping done! I went with my sister Suzee (the fashionista of the family) first and got some adorbale/most comfortable shorts for while I was in Disneyland and it was 108 degrees (holy hot!!!) and some tops and a maxi dress. Then my Mommy took me out and I got a ton of new pants and tops. One thing about maternity clothes are that most of them are gross and ugly. Honestly, the only cute stuff I found were by Heidi Klum and Jessica Simpson. I have decided I wont buy many shirts and just stick to normal stretchy cute tops that dont make me feel like a whale ;)
Wedding Rings: On! They were a bit tight while I was in Disneyland but I think that was due to the heat and just getting off of the plane. I also had some pretty good looking cankels when I landed. 
Best moment of the week: The baby has been moving like crazy!!!! I can feel kicks and it bouncing around, it is nice to be reassured there is something in there. Loving it.
Sleep: EH. Jet leg + pregnancy= a horrible combination. I just have a really hard time getting my sleep schedule back to normal. 
Movement? Lots of it!!! Cant wait until its enough so the hubby can feel too. I thought it would be weird and I wouldnt like it but for now I am really enjoying it! The little one especially kicks when I eat chocolate or spicy food :)
Food Cravings: Pancakes still.....I dont understand but I seriously just love pancakes right now!
Stretch Marks: Still none on the belly :) I got this kit called Basq in America which has a sugar scrub, followed by oil, then body butter. I use it religiously so I am hoping it is working :)
Gender: We find out in a week and a half and the suspense is KILLING ME!!! I am still convinced it's a girl. I ended up buying the most amazing Cinderella canvas painting while I was in Disneyland so if it ends up being a boy I suppose Tex will have to live with it in our room haha
Happy or Moody most of the time? I think my hormones are starting to really get nutso becuase I get irritated super fast and am annoyed most of the time haha. I am just feeling super moody, still happy a lot, but my mood changes very fast! I'm a bit over it I just want to go back to feeling happy all the time! I am also on the verge of tears all day every day. I woke up this morning and started crying and could not figure out why! Oh the hormones.....
Looking forward to: Planning my gender reveal party this week :) We find out next week and we are planning on doing the party for the family. We will get the gender written on a piece of paper and then have a cake made with either pink or blue inside. Tex and I wont find out either so it will be a big surprise for everyone (especially my father in-law when it ends up being a girl ;) ) when we cut the cake.....seriously counting down the minutes I am so excited!!!


  1. I love reading your blogs. Can't wait to meet you're little person xx
    Dee xx

  2. Reyny you look darling, Billy says he just got his whooping cough shot for his grandson!
