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Thursday, April 17, 2014

20 weeks!

How far along? 20 weeks 6 days
Baby is the size of a: Banana
Maternity clothes? Back in america and ready to shop!!!! On the hunt for some nice maternity jeans and lots of long tank tops. H&M and Target have been great so far, but thinking I might have to spend some money on some nice jeans to get me through the next 5 months
Gender: Girl
Best moment this week: Seeing my family! It has been a long long trip home, so to be here is amazing.
Miss Anything: Wine with my mommy :( I love wine and shopping dates with my mom, it's not nearly as much fun with an iced tea! Although I'm enjoying the iced teas too....
Food cravings: I was craving all of this food before I got here and now that I am here nothing sounds good! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! I am still going to my favorite restaurants and enjoying the mexican food while we are here, if I don't I know I will regret it when I get back to aussie land.
Movement: yup, not as much as I would like. I had SO much more movement by this point in my last pregnancy. I was hoping my family would be able to feel her kick while I was home, but at this point I barely feel her so it looks like it won't happen.
Belly Button in/out?: In but looking funny. It never popped out with Kynley so I doubt it will this time either, but it is for sure looking different.
Aches & Pains: Let me just say...I have really really popped. Like feeling like I'm 40 weeks pregnant over here....I know I'm not that big, but I'm big. Im already struggling bending over to pick things up, and especially picking Kynley up. This trip back has been hard on me. I started having lots of braxton hicks the other night which was concerning just because they felt more like real contractions. So needless to say I am attempting to take it easy.....
Happy or Moody most of the time:Emotional. So a country song came on in the car yesterday and I started crying  (because it was a happy song) and couldn't stop. Honestly these hormones are out of control. But I am happy at least! I just cry a lot!
Looking forward to: Spending time with my family and friends here in America! I just found out I get to see one of my sorority sisters while I am here which will be fun, and Shanyn is of course spending as much time with us as her work schedule will allow. We are also planning on taking Kynley to the Seattle Aquarium which she will LOVE! 

So, as most of you know I had to get back to America from Australia, with my 14 month old and My 5 month pregnant self. Lets just say it was the trip from hell. Missed flights, delayed flights and Kynley getting bumped out her bassinet for a younger baby on the 14 hour flight made for possibly the worst travel experience ever. It was so bad I almost can't even talk about it, so here is just a short summary of it....

I decided the only way to travel with a toddler was to help them sleep on the plane with some...sleepy juice....aka phenergan. Let me just say, if your planning on judging me, stop right now and ask yourself if you have ever been stuck on a plane with a 14 month old crazy child while 5 months pregnant and alone. If you have never done that then you can't have an opinion. Basically, I tested the phenergan a few times on Kynley before our flight to make sure it didn't make her hyper (some kids have an opposite reaction to it) She didn't get hyper, but it didn't seem to affect her much either. I figured once I gave her a big dose on the plane, thats when it would work and she would be out for the flight. Boy was I wrong. It literally had no affect on her what so ever. On top of that, once we got bumped from her bassinet seat, we got put in the last row of the plane against a wall...not a window...all of the flight attendants couldn't believe that they had put me there. They told me it was literally the worst seat on the whole plane. Unfortunately the flight was totally and completely booked so there was no where they could move us. So Kynley had to be on my lap for the whole 14 hours. I think she slept for a total for 3 hours of the whole flight. The rest of the flight was spent trying to escape, run up and down the aisles and disturbing other passengers as much as she possibly could. All of the flight attendants were very nice and tried to help as much as possible, but to top everything off Kynley is getting her molars and got a cold so she was miserable and all she wanted was her mommy. 

Needless to say, I am dreading our trip back in a few weeks. I honestly don't think I can do it again. I don't know what exactly I am going to do. I am currently trying to find another drug that will hopefully have an affect on her and I am hoping the fact that the flight leaves at 11pm will help as well. For now, I am just trying not to think about it and just enjoy my time here and relax.....really relax....

This trip has been even harder because it is just me on my own. I love being here with the family, but it is hard leaving my husband back in Australia and taking Kynley from her daddy. We love and miss you dad dad <3

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