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Thursday, July 17, 2014

33 weeks

How far along? 33 weeks 6 days
Baby is the size of a: Pineapple
Gender: Female
Best moment this week: RELAXING!!!! Yes, finally work has slowed down enough so I can just relax! I still have to mailing and ordering to do, but for the most part my editing is finished. So other than headband making, and chasing around my toddler tornado, it has been a chill week :)
Miss Anything: Being able to bend over and pick things up! It is becoming way too difficult and I know it only gets worse from here. It's hard having this be the second time I have done this, because the first time you sort of can't imagine how uncomfortable you will get, this time I am completely aware of how horrible it will be in 3 or 4 more weeks. I just hope I never have to know what it feels like to be 40 weeks pregnant. Kynley came when I was 38 weeks, so fingers crossed this little one makes an early debut as well!
Movement: Oh yes, lots of rolling around and always gets the hiccups in the middle of the night.
Cravings: Well not a lot has changed...fresh fruit and donuts....maybe it is because the just opened a Krispy Kreme here in Adelaide. It is over an hour drive from our house and let me tell you the will power it has taken not to just drive down there one day with Kynley! Also the line is still super long and I don't have patience!
Sleep: I dread bed time! (for me, not Kynley) I just can't get comfortable and my hips kill! And not to mention the amount of times I have to wake up to annoying!!
Aches and pains: I had some seriously bad contractions this week. To the point that my husband and I actually thought I was going into preterm labor. They were INTENSE! I finally took a sleeping pill and decided if I could fall asleep then I was fine. Luckily it was all good and I woke up in the morning pain free.
Labor Signs: I suppose it is time to add this category since it is coming down to the last few weeks! Nothing other than those awesome contractions. Im guessing I will make it to the 20th of August before anything real starts to happen. I at least have to make it to the 12th so I can go to the Hanson concert.....yes I am serious.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and emotional. Two emotional outbursts on my husband this week for pretty much no reason. He is a a saint for dealing with me right now. 
Looking forward to: My friend Maree's baby shower! She is due a week after me and helped throw my aussie baby shower, so now it is my turn to throw hers! I have spent the last few days crafting and getting some delicious desserts together for the day. It has been amazing having one of my best friends be preggo with me and be almost due at the same time. I can tell you our texts involve a lot of bitching and we have dinner dates that involve us on the couch, eating pizza, and watching teen mom. I mean what give you better confidence in your mothering skills than watching a 16 year old do it? If they can do it, we can do it haha
Here is my "selfie" for the week. I guess it is the benefits of being a photog, when I get an idea in my head I can test it on myself haha I am pretty happy with how this image turned out, I wish I would have done it through out the whole pregnancy. I am thinking I will try to do one every few weeks until the little one arrives just for fun :)

Just for fun check out my 33 week blog post from when I was preggo with Kynley! Love being able to look HERE!

1 comment:

  1. I’m so excited to see your new baby, Reyna! You should really be thankful for your understanding husband, who could deal with all your emotional outbursts. I’m sure he’ll just experience those while you’re pregnant. Anyway, I’ll be looking forward to reading your progress. Congrats in advance!

    Julio Brzozowski @ US HealthWorks
